The future of aid under threat: What the new rules for Private Sector Instruments mean for aid budgets.
New rules approving the reporting of private sector instruments as aid dealt the future of official development assistance (ODA) another blow late last month. These rules come at a time when the world is struggling with converging crises with devastating consequences for people and the planet. Currently, what countries across the global south need the most is concessional aid, but closer examination of these new rules reveals that they will have the opposite effect. Instead, increasing levels of aid will likely be diverted from much-needed basic public services across the global south, such as social protection, education and health, and will result in more private-sector orientated operations.
Join us for a webinar bringing together aid experts from the global south and the global north to discuss the extent to which this agreement will impact concessional finance in the years to come, and why it is vital to monitor the use of private sector instruments in the context of development cooperation given its impacts on aid quality and quantity, and quantity, and the accountability of these resources.
Over the course of the webinar, Eurodad will also launch a new briefing on the same subject.
Stephanie Derlich ·