Realising country ownership post-2015?

With just a few weeks to go before the first test of the post-2015 agenda in Addis Ababa, ActionAid Italy published a report on the current state of play on country ownership in post-2015 negotiations. 

The report seeks to unpack commitments to country ownership post-2015 by addressing three key questions:

- To what extent is ownership being emphasised in the context of FFD and SDG discussions?

- How is ownership understood in official documentation?

- What concrete commitments have been made to ensure country ownership post-2015?

To address these questions, the report maps out and critically evaluates references to ownership in official documentation informing post-2015 negotiations against a framework based on available operational definitions of country ownership. It identifies where gaps exist, and where additional commitments may be needed to ensure country ownership of the emerging sustainable development agenda.


Read the full report or click the download button below.