Second Letter to WP-STAT on Review of the Recommendation on Untying ODA


In this letter, the DAC-CSO Reference Group called on the OECD DAC to push for an ambitious outcome that can eventually ensure that all aid is fully untied.

Download the open letter

From 11-13 September, the OECD DAC's Working Party on Development Finance Statistics (WP-STAT) met to discuss, among others, the Review of DAC Recommendation on Untying Official Development Assistance. This Review is a legal instrument that discourages DAC Donors from “tying” their aid.  Tying aid implies that a donor requires or favours their own private sector be brought in to deliver an aid project or service.

Eurodad has been working on the issue of tied aid for several years and recently published a blog on the topic earlier this year in concurrence with the Review of the Recommendation on Untying. To follow up these efforts on the Review of the Recommendation on Untying and on the occasion of the WP-STAT meeting, the DAC-CSO Reference Group sent a letter asking for an ambitious outcome that eventually can ensure that all ODA is fully untied. 

Download the open letter