The DATA Report 2015: Putting the Poorest First

2015 is a year that will shape the course of history. A new set of Global Goals – the Sustainable Development Goals – will be launched in September, which will set out the path to a fairer, more prosperous world and an end to extreme poverty.

But goals alone are not enough – they need a clear plan of action and the resources to deliver it. In mid-July, governments will convene for the Third International Conference on Financing for Development in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: this will be the pivotal point of the year. The world needs a new global compact to finance the end of extreme poverty which is targeted at those who need it most – the poorest countries and the poorest people, particularly girls and women.
In its 2015 DATA Report, Eurodad member ONE looks ahead to the Addis Ababa Conference, setting out key commitments that can be game-changers, particularly for those living in the poorest nations, the least developed countries (LDCs). 
ONE is advocating for a mutual accountability pact to meet the most basic needs, like health and education, which will require increased mobilisation of international and domestic resources. Everyone must raise their levels of ambition and play their part.
The key components of this mutual accountability pact include:
  1. Minimum spending levels on essential services such as basic health, education and some social protection, which will be provided through:
  2. Increased domestic government revenues;
  3. Increased ODA to 0.7%, with half allocated to LDCs;
  4. Specific investments in agriculture, infrastructure, energy and technology, in order to support sustainable, inclusive growth and development; and
  5. Delivery of a data revolution to help support a robust accountability framework that sets out clear mechanisms for ensuring that commitments are followed through.
These five key recommendations are explored in more detail in this report. It includes analyses of official development assistance and domestic resource mobilization and allocation, and profiles of key countries.


Click here to read the full report, or on the download button.