Towards increased quality and integrity of ODA in the context of Private Sector Instruments and Special Drawing Rights.
Civil society from around the world have written an open letter raising concerns about the quality and integrity of ODA statistics.
The DAC Working Party on Development Finance Statistics (WP STAT), which is responsible for the quality and integrity of ODA statistics meets this week for three days. Ahead of this meeting 19 CSOs, including Eurodad, have signed a letter with joint recommendations towards increased quality and integrity of ODA in the context of Private Sector Instruments and Special Drawing Rights.
Signatory organisations
- ActionAid International, Global
- Aid Watch Canada, Canada
- AKÜ – Estonian Roundtable for Development Cooperation, Estonia
- Alliance Sud, Switzerland
- Ambrela – Platform for Development Organisations, Slovakia
- Caritas Europa, Europe
- CEIM – Centro de Estudios e Investigación sobre Mujeres, Spain
- CNCD-11.11.11 – Centre national de coopération au développement, Belgium
- CROSOL – Croatian platform for International Citizen Solidarity, Croatia
- Ekvilib Institut, Slovenia
- Eurodad – European Network on Debt and Development, Europe
- Global Responsibility - Austrian Platform for Development and Humanitarian Aid, Austria
- IBON International, Global
- I-Watch – Investment Watch Initiative, Cameroon
- Oxfam International, Global
- Reality of Aid, Global
- Reality of Aid – Asia and the Pacific, Asia and the Pacific
- SLOGA - Slovenian Global Action, Slovenia
- 11.11.11, Belgium