Development Finance Watch - Join the call to end the World Bank's Doing Business report

#DoingBusinessReport #DebtJustice #IWD2021 #Covid19 #UpcomingEvents

Top story

How many scandals will it take for the World Bank to start doing rights not rankings?

The Doing Business report is the World Bank's most controversial publication. Following a scandal in August 2020, publication of the 2021 report was halted. Eurodad has joined more than 300 civil society organisations and academics to call for the report to be permanently discontinued. Read more in our blog.

Get involved!

Read the open letter to World Bank Executive Directors and add your signature

Tell the WB to extend the deadline of the methodology review to allow for a meaningful CSO consultation

News & blogs

Bangladesh, Covid-19 and Debt

The Covid-19 crisis threatens to erode two decades of progress on poverty reduction in Bangladesh. This difficult situation highlights the need for a more ambitious response to the crisis.

Read our guest blog by ActionAid Bangladesh

Covid-19: A feminist perspective

In this two-part blog to mark International Women's Day, Eurodad experts explore the impact of the pandemic from a feminist perspective.

Part 1: How the pandemic is deepening gender inequalities

Part 2: Key ingredients for a feminist recovery

Reports & useful resources

What can't be counted doesn't count: tracking financing for sustainable development

In this discussion paper, experts from ActionAid, AidWatch Canada and Oxfam International shed light on a new statistical metric, Total Official Support for Sustainable Development (TOSSD), that could significantly shape the future of development finance.

Read more.

Lessons from Covid-19 for addressing loss and damage in vulnerable developing countries

By Stamp Out Poverty and GCF Watch

Global solidarity is urgently needed ensure that vulnerable developing countries have the support they need to address loss and damage arising from the impacts of climate change. This analysis looks at where we stand in securing the needed financial support.

Read more.

The Blended Finance project

This website analyses and critiques the use of Blended Finance in Canadian Aid. It is an informative and useful resource for anyone interested in the issues surrounding and the alternatives to Blended Finance.

Find out more.

Upcoming events

22 March | Global Debt Crisis: Will 2021 be the year of sovereign debt defaults?

Organised by | Register to attend

22 March | Corporate capture of development: Public-private partnerships and global resistance

Organised by DAWN | Register to attend

24 March | Universal access to healthcare: lessons learned from public-private partnerships

Register to attend

25 March | An economic future for whom? The Cascade/ MFD and recovery

Register to attend

25 March | Development Policy Finance: Critical concerns surrounding accountability and outcomes for people and the climate

Register to attend

31 March | Eurodad Debt Wednesdays

Register here | Learn more about the whole course.

31 March | Blended Finance: The Privatisation of International Aid

Organised by the Blended Finance Project | Register here

This newsletter has been produced with co-funding from the European Union, Bread for the World and Norad. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Eurodad and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the funders.

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