A new website to meet the challenge of online advocacy
As more and more of our work moves online, the new Eurodad website offers a space to work more effectively in a coordinated manner, amplifying our collective voice for transformative change.
The world has changed dramatically in the past six months since we set out our priorities for 2020. Nonetheless, Eurodad’s expert research, advocacy and analysis is more relevant than ever. The economic and health crises provoked by the Covid-19 pandemic have starkly highlighted a global system based on inequality. And as governments seek to Build Back Better, Eurodad will be there advocating for a system based on solidarity, sustainability and economic justice for all.
For now, however, much of the world remains locked-down with little-to-no opportunity for traditional face-to-face advocacy or campaigning. Instead, civil society has turned to online tools – webinars, social media and online conferencing – to interact, upskill and collaborate.
Eurodad realised that our previous website was no longer fulfilling the organisation’s digital needs. And with more and more of our work now moving online, we needed new tools to effectively communicate Eurodad’s history as an organisation and our vision for the future, as well as ensuring easy access to our research and expert analyses.
Our new website will help us to both meet these new challenges and to better organise digitally going forward. It is the first stage in a wider digital strategy designed to enrich the Eurodad network, allies and partners in the global south, to work more effectively and in a coordinated manner, and to amplify our collective voice for transformative change.
The website is a digital expression of our theory of change that well-informed, well-resourced and well-organised civil society working collaboratively at the local, national and international levels plays an essential role in achieving the urgently needed reforms of finance to contribute to sustainable development.
Features of the of the new website include:
- A refreshed, modern look and feel that is now fully accessible via mobile.
- Dedicated policy-area spaces to help tell Eurodad’s story and highlight Eurodad’s expert work in the Tax Justice, Debt Justice, Development Finance, Climate Finance and Gender Justice spaces.
- Greater prominence for Eurodad’s members.
- Fully interactive:
- Leave a comment on a blog
- Watch a video or webinar without having to click away from the site
- Follow the “read more” links to encourage continued learning on related topics.
- Filter Eurodad outputs (reports, blogs, analyses) by policy area or search by author to find the content you want quickly and easily.