The conclusion of the ongoing negotiations for the post-2025 climate goal is top of the agenda at COP29 this week in Baku, Azerbaijan. Civil society is calling on global north leaders to deliver a binding commitment, strive to re-establish trust, and recognise the owed climate debt to the global south.

Iolanda Fresnillo
Over the last two decades, Iolanda has been closely involved in local, national and international social movements and has campaigned on development finance, debt, human rights, feminism, environment, peace, trade and responsible consumption. She has worked for more than 10 years as a researcher, campaigns and communications manager at Observatori del Deute en la Globalització and as a research consultant at Eurodad, Medicos Sin Fronteras-MSF and Transnational Institute, among others. Iolanda holds a MA in Development and Cooperation and a BA in Sociology, both from the University of Barcelona.