Is ODA Up To The Challenges Posed By The Coronavirus Pandemic?
#Covid-19 #IMF #OECD #Debt #SpringMeetings #G20 #ODA
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Is ODA up to the challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic?
On 16 April 2020, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development released the preliminary statistics on Official Development Assistance for 2019. The figures were published amidst an unprecedented crisis that risks erasing any progress made in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. While it is clear that ODA will be an important part of the international community’s response to the coronavirus crisis, this blog assesses whether ODA is up to the job and identifies three key challenges that the international community needs to address as a matter of urgency. Read the full blog.
What’s needed from the Petersberg Climate Dialogue? Climate Finance! When is it needed? Now!
The Petersberg Climate Dialogue is an annual forum, bringing together a group of countries to discuss how to advance global climate action. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change negotiators then discuss the issues throughout the year, ahead of Heads of State and Governments agreeing outcomes at the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties (COPs). Read the full article on what makes this year’s Petersberg Climate Dialogue so pertinent.
Eurodad reacts to UN calls for a global mechanism for sovereign debt restructurings
Last week, Eurodad welcomed calls by the UN Secretary General called for a sovereign debt restructuring mechanism to be established as part of the longer term response to the Covid-19 crisis and its economic impacts. Click here for the full reaction.
G20 debt service suspension: A response not fit for purpose
This two-part blog series analyses the debt service suspension initiative announced by the G20. Part I looks at the impact of the proposal on fiscal responses to Covid-19, while part II places the initiative in the context of the broader economic costs of the crisis for developing countries.
IMF-World Bank Spring Meetings 2020: a world in crisis looks for leadership
This year, the IMF-World Bank virtual Spring Meetings took place amid deepening global economic turmoil. The meetings were a moment for these institutions to reinvigorate multilateral cooperation and increase their legitimacy. But instead of bold solutions,we we got a number of sticking plasters. Read our full analysis from the spring meetings.
Reports & useful resources
Moratoria de la deuda para 69 Economías de Bajos Ingresos
Una moratoria en el servicio de la deuda pública externa podría liberar hasta US$ 50.4 mil millones en los próximos 2 años. El análisis destaca el potencial de una moratoria de la deuda como mecanismo para reasignar recursos en la lucha contra Covid-19. Más
Financiamiento de emergencia para Economías de Bajos Ingresos
La crisis de Covid-19 tiene el potencial de devastar el sustento y las vidas de los 1.200 millones de personas en 69 Economías de Bajos Ingresos cubiertos por este informe. La protección de las poblaciones más vulnerables requerirá la adopción de medidas a una escala sin precedentes. Lee más.
This newsletter has been produced with co-funding from the European Union, Bread for the World and Norad. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Eurodad and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the funders. |
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