Why the IMF Resilience and Sustainability Trust is not a silver bullet for Covid-19 recovery and the fight against climate change
#IMF #SDR #ODA #Covid19 #CovidVaccine #TaxJustice #LatinAmerica #JobVacancies
Top story
Why the IMF Resilience and Sustainability Trust is not a silver bullet for Covid-19 recovery and the fight against climate change
Intended by the International Monetary Fund as a means to redistribute rich countries’ unused Special Drawing Rights (SDRs), the current design of the Resilience and Sustainability Trust indicates that it is far from a magic bullet. Instead, it may reproduce the inequalities of the current system and award the IMF additional powers outside of its mandate.
Rich countries fail to agree on how to report surplus Covid-19 vaccine donations as aid
Next week members of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's Development Assistance Committee (DAC) will gather at the Senior Level Meeting which, among other issues, will discuss the Covid-19 recovery and access to vaccines. While they will not address the reporting of vaccine surplus donations, the issue is high on the DAC's agenda with the release of 2021 Official Development Assistance preliminary figures around the corner. Read our press release issued in late December.
Joint CSO reaction on the ODA-eligibility of Covid-19 vaccine related spending
An open letter to the OECD by Eurodad and other civil society organisations sent ahead of the December deadline to reach agreement on the proposal for valuation of donations of excess Covid-19 vaccine doses to developing countries in ODA.
Unambitious corporate tax proposal could lead to shortage of EU resources for Covid-19 recovery
Rather than an ambitious reform of the corporate tax rules, the EU tax package was a Christmas present to all the multinational corporations that will be able to continue paying very low taxes. In 2022, Eurodad will be closely following the development of this package. Read our press release.
History of the vulnerabilities slowing down development in Latin America and the Caribbean (in Spanish)
Why, given its richness and diversity both in its peoples and natural resources, is Latin America and the Caribbean not one of the world’s most prosperous regions? With this question in mind, LATINDADD takes a closer look at those vulnerabilities that have held the region back, specifically focusing on the landscape pre-Covid, during the pandemic and what might happen in a post-pandemic context. This report is available in Spanish here.
Useful resources
Who will pay for the IMF's mistakes? - Comments on the evaluation report of the latest IMF programme with Argentina (in German)
By erlassjahr.de
In December 2021, the IMF published the evaluation report of its programme with Argentina, which was approved in 2018 and cancelled in 2019. The report addresses important weaknesses of the failed programme, but bypasses all questions regarding the consequences of how the Fund itself is structured.
Global Dialogues with the "Despise Girls"
By Campaign of Campaigns
Watch the webinar series on economic justice including debt, climate, decolonial proposals or feminist activism.
Job vacancies
Call for tender for interpretation services
Eurodad | Remote | Deadline extended: 26 January
Call for tenders for translations & foreign language - proofreading/copyediting - Portuguese
Eurodad | Remote | Deadline extended: 26 January
EU Advocacy and Networking Officer
Eurodad | Brussels (currently teleworking) | Deadline: 16 January
This newsletter has been produced with co-funding from the European Union, Bread for the World and Norad. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Eurodad and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the funders. |