A Global Green New Deal - a new UNCTAD report outlines a financing plan
#DevelopmentFinance #HeatlhPPPs #UniversalHealthCare #GreenNewDeal #EUParliament #BlendedFinance
Photo: Pelle De Brabander on Wikimeda
A Global Green New Deal - a new UNCTAD report outlines a financing plan
Currently, neither the implementation of the 2030 Development Agenda nor the Paris Climate Agreement are on track. And there is an urgent need for more and better development finance if these global goals are to be met. A new UNCTAD report highlights that despite this need, there are too few available financing options, which do not also create debt. Read Eurodad’s new blog, analysing UNCTAD’s findings.
Will the new Commissioner for International Partnerships adopt a more cautious approach towards blended finance?
Earlier this week, the new Commissioner for International Partnerships, Jutta Urpilainen promised to focus on meeting the SDGs, reducing inequalities and eradicating poverty. To achieve these ambitious objectives, Urpilainen stressed the need to put a stronger focus on ‘leveraging private capital’ as ‘traditional measures of aid delivery are not enough.' In this blog, Eurodad experts raise concerns about the current agenda to finance the EU’s development priorities through private sector engagement.
Public private partnerships (PPPs) and universal healthcare (UHC) in Latin America - at what cost?
In Latin America, out-of-pocket costs for healthcare account for more than a tenth of household consumption or income for one in seven Latin Americans. While PPPs are increasingly being promoted as a way to address the challenges many Latin American countries face when it comes to universal health coverage (UHC), new Eurodad research has found health PPPs risk undermining progress altogether.
Not worth celebrating yet? The Investment Plan for Europe - a critical analysis of the pilot phase of the 'Juncker Plan.'
By Counter Balance
The initial phase of the “Juncker Plan” is now over. Announced with great fanfare when created, the Investment Plan for Europe ran for three years, from mid-2015 to mid-2018. Since then, it has been expanded until 2020 and its successor is part of future EU budget negotiations. In this new report, Counter Balance and Bankwatch provide critical analysis of the Investment Plan for Europe's pilot phase.
Job vacancy
Tax Policy and Program Manager at ActionAid Denmark
AADK is looking for someone to lead their global advocacy program on Tax and Gender Responsive Public Services (GRPS). The position is representing AADK in ActionAid International’s Tax Working Group through which contributions to global and regional (including the EU) advocacy is carried out. Most of the ActionAid Tax programme and budget is carried out by the ActionAid International Tax Lead.
This newsletter has been produced with co-funding from the European Union, Bread for the World and Norad. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Eurodad and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the funders. |