An interview with Eurodad Director Jean Saldanha
Top story
On 22 April, Jean Saldanha officially started her role as Eurodad Director. In this short interview clip, we catch up with Jean on her visions for the organisation, her goals and what she is looking forward to the most.
News & reports
Eurodad response to large-scale international fraud with value added tax (VAT)
Under the headline Grand Theft Europe, the newsroom Correctiv, together with media outlets across Europe, have published the results of a cross-boundary investigation about large-scale international fraud with value added tax (VAT). According to the European Commission, this type of fraud is costing European governments around €50 billion each year. Read comments by Tove Maria Ryding, Eurodad's Tax Coordinator.
Civil society organisations call for the World bank to reconsider its policy advice on public-private partnerships
Over the years the World Bank has developed a number of “guidance tools” on public-private partnerships (PPPs) aimed to support public authorities to implement PPP projects. One of them is the Guidance on PPP Contractual Provisions, which support developing country authorities to draft PPP contracts. Earlier this year the World Bank opened the 2019 version of this document for public consultation. As a response, 20 civil society organisations (CSOs) including Eurodad members and partners from the global north and south and signatories of the PPP manifesto campaign supported a submission to the Guidance on PPP Contractual Provisions.
Useful resources
It's not all about the money - domestic revenue mobilisation, reducing inequality and building trusts with citizens
This Oxfam briefing paper examines the challenges to the ‘success’ of domestic revenue mobilisation (DRM) efforts, raises some questions about how to measure progress, and urges both governments and donors to shift to a more equity-centered approach to DRM. This paper emphasises that DRM is about more than just increasing revenue; it is about how revenues are collected (i.e. who pays). Oxfam advocates that DRM efforts should reduce inequalities, not reinforce them.
This newsletter has been produced with co-funding from the European Union, Bread for the World and Norad. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Eurodad and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the funders. |