Bretton Woods Institutions at 80: What should the future look like?
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Bretton Woods Institutions at 80: What should the future look like?
On the 80th anniversary of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, it is time for a change of course. In this blog, our experts on the Bretton Woods Institutions María José Romero and Iolanda Fresillo, explain why the world is in urgent need of more responsive, democratic, accountable and development-orientated. global economic governance.
You can also sign a statement from Jubileo Sur demanding reparations and an end to false solutions
Find other ways to get involved on 22 July in this Twitter/ X thread
‘Worst ever’ debt crisis puts IDA’s financial model at risk, underscoring need for ambitious donor contributions to IDA21 replenishment
The debt crisis is likely to overwhelm the International Development Association's (IDA) funding model, leaving the association with no choice but to reduce critical grant-based support for low-income countries or erode its equity base. Record-breaking capital contributions are needed to prevent a deterioration in IDA's finances in the face of worsening global conditions.
Useful resources
Report: Is this what aid was meant to be? (Spanish)
By Eurodad
Aid data from 2023 has called into question the direction in which Official Development Assistance is headed. This report is now available in Spanish and provides a basis for discussion and debate at a time when the value of ODA is more relevant than ever.
Read the report in Spanish, English and French
Podcast: Sovereign Debt with Jill Dauchy
Eurodad's Iolanda Fresnillo has appeared on one of the most popular podcasts dedicated to sovereign debt. It is hosted by Jill Dauchy, a sovereign debt expert and advisor to governments. This episode summarises the risks and concerns related to debt swaps while discussing her recent report "Miracle or mirage: are debt swaps really a silver bullet?"
Listen to the podcast (episode n.32)
Rewatch the webinar 'Mothers, unpaid care work and global crises - connecting the dots'
Organised by Make Mothers Matter
Feminist economists have long established the linkages between unpaid care work and women’s specific vulnerability to poverty, especially those of mothers. This webinar brought together experts and practitioners from different backgrounds to shed light on these links and the role of women as “shock absorbers” during crises. This webinar was held as a side-event to the UN High Level Political Forum.
Video: Public-Private Partnerships and their impact on women (Spanish)
Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) are being promoted under the idea, among others, that they are more efficient. But these partnerships often end up being more expensive and come with risks that weaken the State's capacity to address the rights of their population, let alone the gender impact of these public policies.
2024 Aid Transparency Index
By Publish What You Fund
The 2024 Aid Transparency Index has recorded its highest ever scores – marking a continued improvement in aid transparency among the world’s major aid and development agencies. High-quality, real time aid data is needed more than ever to improve aid effectiveness and hold donors to account for their commitments to tackle poverty, conflict and the climate crisis.
View all the results on Publish What You Fund
Read the analysis in the report
Webinar: The violence of debt (Spanish)
By Acción Ecológica
This webinar explores the role of the IMF and the World Bank in relation to capitalism and external debt. Eurodad's debt expert Iolanda Fresnillo is one of the speakers.
Rewatch the webinar (in Spanish)
Podcast: Human Warmth (French)
By Le Monde
Want to learn more about climate over the summer? Each week this podcast from le Monde (in French) posts expert interviews on different aspects of climate change and climate science.
22 July | Online | 80 years are enough: the legacy of the Bretton Woods institutions
Organised by Debt for Climate and Debt Justice UK, the event will be an insightful discussion on the history of the IMF & World Bank, the impacts of their policies on people and economies in the global south, their role in past debt crises, and examples of resistance. Interpretation in Spanish and French available.
End Austerity - Campaign Officer
IBON International | Remote
Call for tender for NationBuilder website maintenance and technical support
Eurodad | Deadline: 18 July
Please note that this is the last newsletter before the Summer break.
We will be back in late August.
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This newsletter has been produced with co-funding from the European Union, Bread for the World and Norad. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Eurodad and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the funders. |