
Eurodad is grateful to all its members' contributions and to other funders who have made it possible to carry out the work presented in this report. They are listed below.

As advocates for transparency and public access to information, Eurodad discloses additional financial information beyond what is legally required, including a detailed overview of grant income by donor and grant purpose.

A detailed overview of our current funding from the European Commission is available in our annual reports.

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Brot für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst
Charles Steward Mott Foundation
European Commission
Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation
Open Society Foundations
Ford Foundation
New Venture Fund

The 2023 financial statements were audited by an external auditor, Laurent Van der Linden, RSM Belgium, in accordance with the financial reporting framework applicable in Belgium. The Auditor's Report can be downloaded here.

For a detailed overview see our 2023 annual report starting from page 21.

All Eurodad annual accounts are also available online on the National Bank of Belgium website.