French Court of Auditors’ annual report reiterates failure of public-private partnerships


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French Court of Auditors’ annual report reiterates failure of public-private partnerships

By Cecilia Gondard

In its recent annual report, the French Court of Auditors pinpoints cases of failed public-private partnerships (PPPs) once again. The report provides a well-researched analysis of two projects implemented at subnational level: a local transportation case on the Island of La Martinique and a tourist infrastructure project in Biarritz, south of France. The two cases demonstrate a number of problems inherent to PPPs, including cost overruns, delays in implementation, overestimation of demand and a contract design shifting the risks to the public partner. They provide new, compelling evidence of why local governments should stay clear of PPPs.

News & Reports

#EconomicJustice for #GenderJustice

Over the course of the week leading up to International Women's Day 2019 we released a series of graphics featuring the staff of Eurodad and their work areas, with quotes reflecting how Eurodad's work aims to promote gender equality. This series is part of our overall '#EconomicJustice for #GenderJustice' campaign which continues during the Commission on the Status of Women. Follow the hashtags for more information or have a look below if you missed any of our staff members’ quotes.

How structural adjustment programs affect inequality: A disaggregated analysis of IMF conditionality, 1980–2014

By Thomas H. Stubbs via

This article highlights an important yet insufficiently understood international-level determinant of inequality in the developing world: structural adjustment programs by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Useful resources

Can public-private partnerships deliver gender equality?

Public-private partnerships (PPPs) are being actively promoted by donor governments and international financial institutions to fund social services and infrastructure projects around the world. They feature prominently as a financing mechanism for delivering the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, support for PPPs runs counter to governments’ commitments to promote gender equality and the fulfilment of women’s rights under Agenda 2030 and elsewhere.

Also available in Spanish: ¿Pueden las Asociaciones Público-Privadas promover la igualdad de género?

Gender-Just Macroeconomics: The World Bank’s privatisation push

Via the Bretton Woods Project

The World Bank has played a key role in setting a global agenda that views privatisation as necessary, inevitable and desirable for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and as a means of supporting gender equality. Despite its mandate to reduce poverty, the Bank has failed to acknowledge how privatising infrastructure and social services can disproportionately harm women and deepen existing gender inequalities

Upcoming events

Eurodad International Conference 2019

Development Finance in the 21st Century: Economic Justice for All?

Date: 3-4 June 2019

Location: Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Co-hosted with Ekvilib Institute supported by SLOGA platform, Focus and EnaBanda

This newsletter has been produced with co-funding from the European Union, Bread for the World and Norad. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Eurodad and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the funders.