Join Eurodad and partners at the WBG/ IMF Annual Meetings


Join Eurodad and partners at the World Bank Group - International Monetary Fund Annual Meetings this October

29 September

16-17.30 CEST - 10-11.30 EST

The World Bank’s Development Policy Financing: implications for a just, green and feminist recovery

30 September 

14-15.30 CEST - 08-09.30 EST

The Cascade/ MFD and a just and sustainable recovery: A first review in the pandemic context 

4 October

14-15.30 CEST - 08-09.30 EST

Making the Most of Special Drawing Rights: Approaches to Maximize Impact and Create a Sustainable and Just Recovery

5 October

16-17.30 CEST - 10-11:30 EST

IMF surcharges: A necessary tool or counter-productive obstacle to a just and green recovery?

6 October

16-17.30 CEST - 10-11.30 EST

Building back better health systems - Lessons from the WBG's Covid-19 response and recovery plans 

7 October

14-15.30 CEST - 08-09.30 EST

Building Back Better through IDA-20: Public Investment as a tool for Socio-Economic Transformation in Africa 

Watch live here

These events are being produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of these events are the sole responsibility of Eurodad and its partners and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the funders.