New report exposes failure of public-private partnerships (PPPs)
#PPPs #DevelopmentFinance #COP27 #ClimateFinance #TaxJustice #Vacancies
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New report exposes failure of public-private partnerships (PPPs)
The use of public-private partnerships (PPPs) to deliver public services is having a devastating impact on communities and the planet. A new report by Eurodad, "History RePPPeated II: Why public-private partnerships are not the solution" features seven in-depth investigations into PPPs across a range of sectors, from healthcare and education to roads and water supplies. The case studies are written by experts working in each region.
The report found that all of the projects investigated came at a high cost for the public purse and posed an excessive risk for the public sector. They resulted in a questionable diversion of public funds, particularly during the Covid-19 crisis in most cases. Some of the projects also caused serious environmental harm while others had serious impacts on women in particular. All of the PPPs investigated lacked transparency and/or failed to consult with affected communities.
Read the full report in English here.
Read a briefing in English here.
Read a briefing in Spanish here.
News & analysis
COP27 misses the point again, failing to push rich nations to meet climate finance commitments
COP27, the so-called ‘Implementation COP’, kicked off in the shadow of recent climate impacts in Pakistan, St Lucia, Somalia and many other countries. These devastating events were highlighted by the COP23 President, Fiji’s UN Ambassador, Satyendra Prasad, who asked developed countries to “deliver on the financial commitments that you have made”. Debt-free climate finance and financial system reform were also key themes throughout COP27.
Governments Approve Proposal for International Tax Cooperation at United Nations
by Global Alliance for Tax Justice
Civil society organizations across the world, including Eurodad, welcome the approval of the Africa Group’s proposal for inclusive and effective tax cooperation at the United Nations. The resolution was approved by consensus at the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on 23 November and is a first step towards an inclusive, democratic and transparent process to reform global tax architecture.
Civil Society Organizations Urge End to IMF Surcharges to Finance Climate Action Instead
by Global Week of Action for Justice and Debt Cancellation
Over 300 civil society organizations and individuals from around the world are calling on the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to immediately end interest rate surcharges on its lending to its most indebted borrowers as part of a commitment to combatting the climate crisis.
The Assault of Austerity
by Oxfam International
Governments are looking to implement austerity measures at a time when the world is facing a major cost of living crisis and trying to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. Austerity measures are largely defined by rapid and deep cuts to public spending (frequently education, health and social protection), often alongside increases in tax revenues, specifically via regressive or indirect means, rather than taxation on wealth. There will be unavoidable impacts for most – particularly women, girls, and non-binary people.
New feminist and anti-racist social contracts for people and the planet
by Christian Aid
Theories about social contracts have been around for a long time, but have also often been criticised for excluding women and people who are marginalised. Any genuinely transformative social contract needs to be feminist and anti-racist, to shift power, address historic injustices and their present-day manifestations, and support reparations. This collection of essays explores what these feminist, anti-racist, eco-social contracts would look like.
Useful resources
Asia Debt Monitor
The Asia Debt Monitor is an e-publication of the Asian Peoples' Movement on Debt and Development.
Las “cicatrices” que dejó la pandemia en América Latina
By Latindadd
Latin America is one of the regions in the world hardest hit by the pandemic, both in health, social and economic terms. This Latindadd study, supported by the Coalition for Financial Transparency, analyses in detail the responses of the countries of the region to the emergency and formulates recommendations.
Read the analysis in Spanish here.
Shining light or risky business? A review of UN guidance on INFFs
by CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness
Integrated National Financing Framework (INFF), an approach by which countries can put together strategies for financing their national sustainable development priorities, seemingly offers a “shining light” for countries in the global south facing multiple crises. This paper casts doubt as to whether, in their current form, INFFs can really live up to this claim or whether they may be leading countries in risky directions whilst distracting from the fundamental structural solutions that are really needed to achieve economic justice in the global south.
Private Sector Watch – Global Synthesis Report
by CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness
The private sector is recognised as a crucial actor in development cooperation. However, over the past decades, the consequences of countless public-private partnerships and other modes of private sector engagement (PSE) in development cooperation have also exposed the sector’s challenges and limitations. This Report forms a picture of the current state of PSE and the inadequacies of the existing development framework.
Try out their monitoring tool here.
Invitation to Tender: Production of an animated short film
Eurodad | Remotely | Deadline: 12 December
Invitation to Tender: English proofreading services
Eurodad | Remotely | Deadline: 13 December
Invitation to Tender: Printing services
Eurodad | Remotely | Deadline: 13 December
Invitation to Tender: Design services
Eurodad | Remotely | Deadline: 13 December
Invitation to Tender: English-Arabic Translation Services
Eurodad | Remotely | Deadline: 13 December
International Monetary Fund Campaign Manager
Recourse | Remotely | Deadline: 18 December
29 November - 2 December | Our Future is Public - From global inequalities to social, economic and climate justice
Our Future is Public Conference (#OFiP2022) will bring together social movements and civil society organisations from all over the world in Santiago, Chile and online for a four-day conference.
Read more about the event and register here.
23 November - 7 December | Webinars on understanding and accessing debt information
Join Debt Justice UK for three free webinars on how to understand and access debt information. The webinars will provide an understanding of what kind of government debt data is important, and where to go to find it. For more information, contact Ilaria Crotti at [email protected].
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This newsletter has been produced with co-funding from the European Union, Bread for the World and Norad. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Eurodad and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the funders. |