Last chance to register! Eurodad Policy Forum 2020
#Covid-19 #EurodadPF20 #IFF #Webinar #COP26 #UN #WorldBank #NetworkStrengthening #DevelopmentInitiatives
Last chance to register! Eurodad Policy Forum 2020
Photo by Lottie Atkin @ Eurodad International Conference, Slovenia, June 2019
Eurodad Policy Forum 2020 - Lessons learnt from the COVID-19 global health crisis in times of austerity, debt crises and privatisation (15-19 June)
The Eurodad policy forum and general assembly 2020 is taking place next week (from 15-19 June). If you haven't registered already make sure you do so today!
The Forum will start with a public webinar on Monday 15 June. The theme will be 'Lessons to be learned from the Covid-19 pandemic". It will be followed by virtual workshops throughout the week. The workshops - reserved for CSOs - will provide the space for political and strategic analysis and discussion on the impacts of Covid-19 on our work and how to respond, to feed into our new strategy. See details below.
To register for the main public webinar on 15 June please click here (registrations close 12 June 17:00 CEST).
To register for one or more of the workshops and strategy meetings, reserved for CSOs, please fill in this form.
Could this month’s UN climate conference be the catalyst to get the world back on track?
The national lockdowns caused by the COVID-19 pandemic led to many meetings on climate change being cancelled in 2020, including the UN COP26 climate conference and the June technical meetings ahead of that conference. Consequently, the opportunities to advance discussions on climate finance have reduced dramatically this year. Click here to read the full blog.
Call for proposals - Strengthening the Eurodad network
This call for proposals aims at strengthening the capacity of the European Network on Debt and Development (Eurodad) for coordinated actions at global, regional and/or national levels in support of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is targeted at organisations interested in joining the Eurodad network to kick-start work on at least one of Eurodad’s issue-areas. This will allow them to engage more proactively with the network, with a view to become an active ally or a member.
Letter to the European Council on EU Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 and Next Generation EU 2021-2024
In advance of the European Council meeting taking place on 19th June, Eurodad, together with CAN Europe, CONCORD, Cooperatives Europe, EaP CSF, ENoP, EPLO, HRDN and VOICE sent a letter to EU Member States setting out a number of recommendations on Heading VI of the EU Multi-annual Financial Framework 2021-2027, and funding from Next Generation EU 2021-2024.
Click here for the full letter
Development finance in times of Covid-19: Time for a rethink at the World Bank
Before Covid-19 most discussions on development finance were focused on using public money and institutions to ‘leverage’ private finance. The World Bank’s ‘Maximising Finance for Development’ (MFD) approach is perhaps the most widely known illustration of this drive. The pandemic has, however, exposed the consequences of decades of austerity policies and privatisation strategies that have undermined public health systems and stifled progress on universal social protection. With calls to rethink the prevailing development model, under the imperatives of ‘building back better’ economies and societies, it is critical to learn lessons and consider a change of course.
IIF Private creditor participation proposal: A cure worse than the disease
Following the G20 Debt Service Suspension Initiative (DSSI) announced during the 2020 Spring Meetings, the International Institute of Finance (IIF) has released a template for the voluntary involvement of private creditors in a debt service suspension. The proposal is the result of a consultation with over 100 private creditors representing over US$ 45 trillion in assets under management. It is a useful guide to assess the willingness of private creditors to provide meaningful debt relief to countries affected by the dual health and economic shock of Covid-19.
Reports & useful resources
Finance & Development Magazine - Life post-COVID-19
Six prominent thinkers - including Eurodad Director Jean Saldanha - reflect on how the pandemic has changed the world.
Covid-19 and financing projections for developing countries
By Development Initiatives
The Covid-19 pandemic is having a significant impact on people, countries and economies across the world. Global poverty is expected to rise by tens of millions of people, at least, at the same time as the global economy shrinks. Crucially the pandemic will impact all forms of finance and the level of resources available in developing countries – domestic and international, public and private. This report by Development Initiatives looks at what ‘building back better’ means when it comes to improving the financing system for sustainable development, and where the main areas for change need to be if we are indeed to seize this moment to make more fundamental changes that could have a transformative effect in the longer term.
This newsletter has been produced with co-funding from the European Union, Bread for the World and Norad. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Eurodad and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the funders. |