A selection of key publications published by Eurodad and other CSOs in 2024.
News & Analysis
News and analysis on complex policy issues by experts in their field.
Eurodad's interventions at the 2nd Preparatory Committee Session for the fourth UN Financing for Development Conference
This week civil society is participating in the Second Preparatory Committee Session for the fourth UN Financing for Development Conference, taking place from 3 to 6 December at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.
- Development Finance
- Debt Sustainability
Join Eurodad and partners at the CSPF and WBG/ IMF Annual Meetings 2024
Join Eurodad and partners at the Civil Society Policy Forum and World Bank Group - International Monetary Fund Annual Meetings from 21 to 25 October.
- Development Finance
Global week of action for climate finance and a fossil-free future: webinars and resources
Last week, civil society organisations mobilised online and offline during the Global Week of Action for Climate Finance and a Fossil-Free Future, calling on global north governments to meet their climate finance obligations in full.
- Climate Finance
Joint letter on CSOs' engagement in IMF policy reviews and consultation
Civil society organisations call on the International Monetary Fund management and Board members for an evaluation of the 2015 guidelines and a Board-mandated framework to establish mandatory rules for CSO engagement at all levels.
- Development Finance
- IFIs
Joint submission from the Debt and Climate Working Group for the 11th Technical Expert Dialogue of the New Collective Quantified Goal process
The 11th Technical Expert Dialogue of the New Collective Quantified Goal (NCQG) is an important opportunity to agree on the qualitative elements of the post-2025 climate goal, including improving the quality of international climate finance flows to benefit of low and middle-income countries that already face disproportionate impacts of the climate and debt crisis.
- Climate Finance
Join Eurodad and partners at the CSPF and WBG/IMF Spring Meetings 2024
We will be joining CSO partners at the Civil Society Policy Forum and World Bank Group - International Monetary Fund Spring Meetings from April 15 to 20. Below are some of the events we are taking part in or sponsoring.
- Development Finance
Debt justice in 2024: challenges and prospects in a full-blown debt crisis
Eurodad's policy and advocacy manager for debt justice, Iolanda Fresnillo, analyses the challenges the debt justice movement will face during the next months.
- Debt Justice
Global South CSOs demand justice and a change to the rules on debt and financial architecture
Following a landmark meeting that took place in Bogotà on 20-21 September, Global South CSOs issued an output document.
- Debt Justice
Join Eurodad and partners at the CSPF and WBG/ IMF Annual Meetings 2023
Join Eurodad and partners at the Civil Society Policy Forum and World Bank Group - International Monetary Fund Annual Meetings from October 9 to 15.
- Development Finance
- IFIs
Rebranding or reshaping the global financial architecture? MDBs reform, Bridgetown Initiative and the New Global Financing Pact: Key webinar takeaways
The world finds itself in a polycrisis with three proposals on the table: the Evolution Roadmap of the World Bank Group; the Bridgetown Initiative; and the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact, which takes place in Paris next week. To explore each of these initiatives further, Eurodad and partners organised a webinar which featured three experts who give their points of view: Daniela Gabor, Professor of Economics and Macrofinance at UWE Bristol, Liane Schalatek, Vice-Director of Boell Foundation North America and Mariama Williams,Director of the Institute of Law and Economics (ILE).
- Debt Justice
- Covid-19
UN Financing for Development Forum 2023: The road towards global economic solutions
Positive outcomes include the welcoming of intergovernmental discussions on tax in the outcome document.
- Development Finance
Join Eurodad and partners at the CSPF and WBG/ IMF Spring Meetings 2023
Join Eurodad and partners at the Civil Society Policy Forum and World Bank Group - International Monetary Fund Spring Meetings from April 10 to 14.
- Climate Finance
- IFIs
Open civil society letter on the IMF, WB and G20 Presidency Global Sovereign Debt Roundtable
More than 40 civil society organisations from around the world have signed an open letter to the World Bank, IMF and G20 sharing concerns regarding inclusiveness and transparency in the ongoing discussions to address sovereign debt resolution. The three organisations have convened the Global Sovereign Debt Roundtable, which will meet during next weeks Spring Meetings in Washington, DC.
- Debt Justice
- Debt Resolution
2023: A more just world is still possible
Eurodad Director Jean Saldanha looks forward to the challenges and solutions in 2023.
- Climate Finance
Small Island Developing States drowning in debt and climate emergencies
This week, CSOs, academics and policymakers met in Grenada to discuss the challenges that climate change and debt pose for the Caribbean region.
- Debt Justice
- IFIs
Analysis: World Bank and IMF failure to address the global polycrisis makes systemic reform even more urgent
Last week’s meetings proved yet again that without fundamental reform to how both the World Bank and IMF are governed, and how they ultimately operate, the same mistakes will be repeated again and again. And that is unacceptable.
- Debt Justice
- Global Processes
Join Eurodad and partners at the WBG-IMF Annual Meetings
Join Eurodad and partners at the Civil Society Policy Forum (CSPF), that will be held in-person in Washington, DC, alongside the WBG-IMF Annual Meetings 2022
- Climate Finance
- Austerity
CSOs call on G7 to bring an end to the IMF's harmful surcharge policy
IMF surcharges are a system of fees on loans from this institution which places an unfair burden on vulnerable countries that are in need of financial support.
- Debt Justice
- IFIs
A look back at Eurodad Conference 2022
After two years of meeting online and three since we last met in person as a network, we came together in Brussels last week for our 2022 conference “Reboot the system: Defining joint strategies for economic justice”.
- Climate Finance
- Global Processes
Eurodad at the 2022 UN ECOSOC Financing for Development Forum
Eurodad and partners represented Civil Society at this year's UN ECOSOC Financing for Development Forum in New York.
- Development Finance
- Global Processes
CSO letter on the worsening of debt distress in low- and middle-income countries and the role of the private sector
A coalition of 34 CSOs expressed their concerns regarding the rapidly worsening of debt distress and fiscal conditions in many low- and middle-income countries. Meanwhile citizens are facing inflationary pressures as well as the ongoing impact of Covid-19, the war in Ukraine and the climate crisis. This letter was sent to the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, the Indonesian presidency Finance Minister Sri Mulyani and Central Bank Governor Perry Warjiyo, the European Commission, the G24, the South Centre and the UN Secretary General.
- Debt Justice
Join Eurodad and partners at the WBG/ IMF Spring Meetings
Join Eurodad and partners at the Civil Society Policy Forum and World Bank Group - International Monetary Fund Spring Meetings this April.
- Development Finance
- IFIs
Infogram: Ghana and the debt crisis
Ghana passed quickly from being the poster child economy for West Africa to being one step away from losing its access to international capital markets.
- Debt Justice
- Global Processes
G20 buries its head in the sand amidst increasing calls for action on sovereign debt
Last week, G20 Finance Ministers failed to act on calls to enhance the Common Framework. In this article we look at the trends and risks regarding sovereign debt that the G20 seem to be ignoring and we believe will need close attention in the coming months.
This article was originally published on 16 February and updated on 24 February.
- Debt Justice
- IFIs
A guide to IMF surcharges
IMF surcharges are a system of fees on loans from this institution which places an unfair burden on vulnerable countries that are in need of financial support. This guide explores how IMF surcharges work and provides an overview of the costs they impose on IMF borrowing at the global and country level. The large costs associated with surcharges are unjustified in the current global health crisis.
- Debt Justice
Join Eurodad's Policy Forum 2021
Join Eurodad at the virtual Policy Forum 2021 taking place from 22 to 25 November.
- Climate Finance
Inaction and wishful thinking: G20 summit shows why we must go back to true multilateralism
G20 leaders met in Rome last weekend (30 and 31 October) to address what they termed “today’s most pressing global challenges”. In the end they took no meaningful new decisions. The photo opportunity with G20 leaders throwing a coin into the Trevi fountain was a potent symbol of what the Summit turned out to be: wishful thinking without any action.
- Climate Finance
- Covid-19
Making sense of Belize's Blue Bond Proposal
Lauded by its proponents as a “ground-breaking” and “innovative approach,” the proposal raises concerns upon closer review and is likely to turn into a costly missed opportunity for everyone involved.
- Debt Justice
- Debt Resolution
Join Eurodad and partners at the WBG/ IMF Annual Meetings
Join Eurodad and partners at the World Bank Group - International Monetary Fund Annual Meetings this October
- Development Finance
A debt pandemic: Impact of the crisis in developing countries
This series of infograms and charts highlight the increasing impact of debt and the Covid-19 pandemic in the global south.
- Debt Justice
- Subtopic
62 CSOs deliver open letter on the Debt Transparency Initiative (DTI) to OECD, G20 and European Commission
62 civil society organisations and global networks across the world have published an open letter expressing their concerns about the design, consultation process and establishment of the ‘inadequate’ OECD Debt Transparency Initiative (DTI).
- Debt Justice
- Debt Resolution
Infogram: Debt, Colombia and Covid-19
Covid-19 has left Colombia in a precarious position. The following infographic highlights why urgent multilateral support is needed to help the country address its debt burden.
- Debt Justice
- Global Processes
Infogram: Sovereign Bonds and the Covid-19 Debt Crisis
Dive deeper into key Sovereign Bond data from Sleep now in the fire: Sovereign Bonds and the Covid-19 Debt Crisis in this interactive infographic.
- Debt Justice
- Global Processes
Is the IMF doing enough?
The failure of the IMF to respond to the Covid-19 crisis highlights the need for urgent international financial architecture reform. Eurodad's debt team analyse the data in this infograph.
- Debt Justice
- IFIs
The Civil Society FfD Group's reaction to the 2021 Financing for Development Forum
This year, the ECOSOC Financing for Development Forum took place virtually from 12 and 15 April.
- Development Finance
- Global Processes
Spring Meetings 2021: Yet another insufficient response to the Covid-19 crisis?
Eurodad's policy experts reflect on the 2021 IMF and WBG spring meetings, raising concerns of an insufficient response and the inability of the Bretton Woods Institutions to put global social equity at the heart of long-term plans to rebuild fairer post-pandemic.
- Climate Finance
- Global Processes
Debt, Kenya and the IMF
Covid-19 has left Kenya in a precarious position. Learn more about the urgent measures needed and why, in the following infograph.
- Debt Justice
- IFIs
Special Drawing Rights: A three trillion dollar question (Infograph)
What are Special Drawing Rights and why are they so important to the global recovery post-Covid? Find out more in this interactive infographic.
Read our detailed analysis on SDRs | Click to expand the infograph
- Development Finance
- IFIs
The 3 trillion dollar question: What difference will the IMF’s new SDRs allocation make to the world’s poorest?
The US$650 billion allocation of SDRs proposed by the IMF will not support the post-Covid economic recovery of the poorest countries. In the following article, we set out the argument for a much larger allocation, one worth US$3 trillion.
- Debt Justice
- Covid-19
Outlook 2021: effective multilateralism under the UN will be crucial
2021 brings the hope that the Covid-19 pandemic can be controlled, but existing inequalities are exacerbating access to the vaccine and with it, return to normal life. Here we set out what we expect to be the biggest issues we face as a network in the coming year.
- Climate Finance
- Covid-19
In memory of Soren Ambrose
Eurodad pays tribute to the pioneering activism of Soren Ambrose, who dedicated his life to the cause of justice.
- Gender Justice
Joint global response to the outcome of the Finance in Common Summit
Following the conclusion of the first Finance in Common Summit, APMDD, AFRODAD, Latindadd, Third World Network and Eurodad have issued the following response.
- Development Finance
- FiC
More than 500 civil society organisations call for immediate debt cancellation to help lower-income countries fight Covid-19
Civil society activists from across the world have come together online to sound the #DebtAlarm, calling upon world leaders to act on debt cancellation.
- Debt Justice
- Debt Resolution
Civil Society Organisations’ statement against continued IMF austerity
More than 500 civil society organisations are calling on the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to immediately stop promoting austerity around the world, and instead advocate policies that advance gender justice, reduce inequality, and decisively put people and planet first.
- Debt Justice
- Global Processes
IMF-World Bank Spring Meetings 2020: a world in crisis looks for leadership
The International Monetary Fund (IMF)-World Bank virtual Spring Meetings took place as global economic turmoil deepened
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
Eurodad reaction to the G20 suspension of debt payments
The G20 agreement is significant and will support the immediate Covid-19 response. But the breathing space it provides countries may be short-lived.
- Debt Justice
- Debt Resolution
The Spring meetings 2020: A make or break moment
The world is facing an unprecedented humanitarian crisis triggered by the outbreak of COVID-19. As the Bretton Woods Institutions (BWIs) deliver their virtual Spring Meetings, there are strong calls for an ambitious response.
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
Report from the Expert Seminar - Promoting governance innovation in sovereign debt restructurings: What are our options?
This seminar took place in the context of an emerging wave of debt crises across the globe, and an especially acute situation in Argentina, which had already partly defaulted on sovereign debts and announced that action on debt needs to be taken.
- Debt Justice
- Debt Resolution
Making debt work for development: Wrap-up of the 12th UNCTAD Debt Management Conference
The 12th UNCTAD Debt Management Conference titled “Making debt work for development” took place in Geneva this week. At one of the best attended policy conferences ever, several hundred participants – including Eurodad staff, members and partners - discussed topics such as how to tackle the unfolding developing country debt crisis, debt sustainability analyses for a new debt landscape, new debt transparency initiatives, and more effective debt workout mechanisms. Participants agreed that urgent action is needed to address the new wave of debt crises, and called for more political will.
- Debt Justice
Civil Society Letter concerning the draft UN Resolution on External Debt Sustainability and Development
Eurodad, along with CSOs from across the world, welcome the draft UN General Assembly Resolution on "External Debt Sustainability and Development."
- Debt Justice
- Debt Resolution
Declaration of civil society organisations at the World Bank and IMF Annual Meetings in light of the impacts of austerity policies in Ecuador, Argentina and Haiti
Thirty-five civil society organisations have today signed a declaration rejecting the IMF austerity policies implemented in Ecuador, Argentina and Haiti.
- Development Finance
UN Guiding Principles on human rights impact assessments of economic reforms
The UN Independent Expert on foreign debt and human rights will be presenting new Guiding Principles on human rights impact assessments of economic reforms to the 40th session of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) in February/March 2019.
- Debt Justice
2018 IMF and World Bank Spring Meetings: the Bank has more money, but promises little change
The Spring Meetings of the IMF and World Bank took place amid warnings of a ‘borrowed boom’ as an uptick in global growth was matched by global debt levels reaching record highs.
- Development Finance
IMF and World Bank Spring Meetings: drifting off course as multilateralism faces headwinds.
The 2017 spring meetings of the IMF and World Bank, which also included the second edition of the Global Infrastructure Forum, took place against the uncertainty generated by geopolitical changes such as the election of President Trump in the US and the formalisation of the UK’s exit from the European Union.
- Development Finance
- Global Processes
Vultures in Paris: Bilateral creditors achieve deal with Argentina
Argentina and its bilateral creditors, coordinated by the Paris Club, have reached a deal to settle outstanding loans that were in default since 2001. According to the agreement made on 29 May, Argentina is going to pay US$ 9.7 billion over the next five years.
- Debt Justice
- Debt Resolution
Vulture funds: US court ruling on Argentina enrages debt justice campaigners
The long litigation odyssey between the government of Argentina and holdout creditors continues.
- Debt Justice
- Debt Resolution
IMF acknowledges failure of recent debt restructurings, proposes new reforms
As the United Nations moves rapidly towards alternative proposals to sovereign debt work-out, it seems that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) does not want to be sidelined on the issue.
- Debt Justice
- Debt Resolution
39 CSOs sign up urging EU to cancel Haiti’s debt
Almost 40 civil society organizations signed a letter calling upon Members of the European Parliament Committee on Development and European Development Ministers to take action with respect to Haiti’s debt.
- Debt Justice
- Debt Resolution
CSOs call on the European Commission to reject the merger of external financing instruments
As the European Commission is considering merging several existing instruments (those for humanitarian aid, development cooperation, and pre-accession assistance), a coalition of 48 civil society organisations is calling on President Von der Leyen to reject the proposal.
- Development Finance
- Aid Quality
Key publications in 2024
A selection of key publications published by Eurodad and other CSOs in 2024.
- Development Finance
Eurodad's interventions at the 2nd Preparatory Committee Session for the fourth UN Financing for Development Conference
This week civil society is participating in the Second Preparatory Committee Session for the fourth UN Financing for Development Conference, taking place from 3 to 6 December at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.
- Development Finance
- Debt Sustainability
A webinar series on private finance in aid
Join Eurodad for two webinars that will take a close look at the relationship between private finance and aid.
- Development Finance
- Aid Quality
CSOs' proposal for a transformative IDA21 replenishment
Ahead of the IDA Forum happening on 22 October, a group of CSOs released a set of policy proposals for an ambitious policy framework that would truly deliver for people living in the lowest-income countries.
- Development Finance
Join Eurodad and partners at the CSPF and WBG/ IMF Annual Meetings 2024
Join Eurodad and partners at the Civil Society Policy Forum and World Bank Group - International Monetary Fund Annual Meetings from 21 to 25 October.
- Development Finance
Joint letter on CSOs' engagement in IMF policy reviews and consultation
Civil society organisations call on the International Monetary Fund management and Board members for an evaluation of the 2015 guidelines and a Board-mandated framework to establish mandatory rules for CSO engagement at all levels.
- Development Finance
- IFIs
Second Letter to WP-STAT on Review of the Recommendation on Untying ODA
In this letter, the DAC-CSO Reference Group called on the OECD DAC to push for an ambitious outcome that can eventually ensure that all aid is fully untied.
- Development Finance
- Aid Quality
CSOs call on Banga to shut down the World Bank's Private Sector Investment Lab
Twenty-six civil society organsations have signed an open letter to Ajay Banga, the new president of the World Bank.
- Development Finance
- IFIs
Who will the EU be in the world of tomorrow?
The mid-term review of the long-term budget sends a damaging message to Europe's partners. This is the warning from more than 50 civil society organisations, in a joint statement calling on the European Union to bolster investment in international partnerships and prioritise cooperation on global challenges.
- Development Finance
Inflated and distorted: preliminary 2023 aid figures show failure to address global challenges
Following the release of the preliminary statistics covering Official Development Assistance in 2023, the DAC Civil Society Reference Group expresses major concerns about the underlying trends reflected in the figures, and calls for a serious conversation about establishing a more inclusive and representative governance of ODA.
- Development Finance
- Aid Quantity
Join Eurodad and partners at the CSPF and WBG/IMF Spring Meetings 2024
We will be joining CSO partners at the Civil Society Policy Forum and World Bank Group - International Monetary Fund Spring Meetings from April 15 to 20. Below are some of the events we are taking part in or sponsoring.
- Development Finance
CSOs open letter on the EIB Global Strategic Roadmap
Ten CSOs, including Eurodad, have sent an open letter to Nadia Calviño, the European Investment Bank's President, to offer several recommendations on the EIB Global Strategic Roadmap.
- Development Finance
Urgent call to keep defence spending out of the EIB's scope
Thirty civil society organisations (CSO) call upon the EIB President, Board of Directors and Governors to firmly reject increasing support for the military-industrial complex.
- Development Finance
- IFIs
Urgent overhaul needed for the EIB to fulfil its public mandate
Together with 13 CSOs we have signed a letter to ask the EIB President Nadia Calviño to do the overhaul needed for the Bank to uphold its commitment to just and sustainable development in the countries where it operates.
- Development Finance
ODA is stretched thin beyond recognition and the DAC’s credibility is at stake
Joint reaction of the DAC-CSO Reference Group to the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee’s High Level Meeting, which took place on 15 November.
- Development Finance
- Aid Quality
Joint civil society letter: Consultation process for the EIB Global strategy
Eurodad and 16 other CSOs have signed an open letter calling on the Board of Directors to not approve the final EIB Global strategy due to a lack of public consultation.
- Development Finance
- IFIs
Join Eurodad and partners at the CSPF and WBG/ IMF Annual Meetings 2023
Join Eurodad and partners at the Civil Society Policy Forum and World Bank Group - International Monetary Fund Annual Meetings from October 9 to 15.
- Development Finance
- IFIs
UK’s development finance ‘harming society and the environment’: civil society organisations respond to critical report by UK Parliamentary International Development Committee
Joint civil society organisation statement in response to Report on Investment for development – The UK’s Strategy towards Development Finance Initiatives
- Development Finance
Bonn 2023: Divisions over finance stall mid-year climate meetings
Eurodad's Leia Achampong, Senior Policy and Advocacy Officer working on climate finance, analyses the Bonn Climate Change Conference.
- Climate Finance
- Global Processes
Civil Society calls for rethink of World Bank’s Evolution Roadmap as part of wider reforms to highly unequal global financial architecture
Seventy-four CSOs and individuals from around the world are calling on the World Bank to first assess its development effectiveness and the impact of its private sector-first approach before designing its reform agenda.
- Development Finance
- IFIs
Rebranding or reshaping the global financial architecture? MDBs reform, Bridgetown Initiative and the New Global Financing Pact: Key webinar takeaways
The world finds itself in a polycrisis with three proposals on the table: the Evolution Roadmap of the World Bank Group; the Bridgetown Initiative; and the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact, which takes place in Paris next week. To explore each of these initiatives further, Eurodad and partners organised a webinar which featured three experts who give their points of view: Daniela Gabor, Professor of Economics and Macrofinance at UWE Bristol, Liane Schalatek, Vice-Director of Boell Foundation North America and Mariama Williams,Director of the Institute of Law and Economics (ILE).
- Debt Justice
- Covid-19
UN Financing for Development Forum 2023: The road towards global economic solutions
Positive outcomes include the welcoming of intergovernmental discussions on tax in the outcome document.
- Development Finance
Join Eurodad and partners at the CSPF and WBG/ IMF Spring Meetings 2023
Join Eurodad and partners at the Civil Society Policy Forum and World Bank Group - International Monetary Fund Spring Meetings from April 10 to 14.
- Climate Finance
- IFIs
Our Future is Public: Santiago Declaration for Public Services
The Declaration is a momentous agreement signed by more than 200 organisations, including Eurodad, who vow to work to transform our systems to ones which value human rights and ecological sustainability over GDP growth and narrowly defined economic gains.
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
- Global Processes
2023: A more just world is still possible
Eurodad Director Jean Saldanha looks forward to the challenges and solutions in 2023.
- Climate Finance
Demystifying Bretton Woods institutions’ rhetoric on public services
Drawing on the specific case of IMF and World Bank’s response to the multiple crisis triggered by the pandemic, a journal article shows that there is a discourse-practice disjuncture in the Bretton Woods institutions approach to public services as they continue to favour austerity and market-oriented solutions for the delivery of public services. The article therefore seeks to demystify the institutions rhetoric and demand the adoption of a different way of understanding public services, and social policy more broadly.
- Gender Justice
- IFIs
69 CSOs welcome landmark General Comment by African Commission on States' obligations to public services
A resounding response to the growing human rights concerns arising from the rapid commercialisation of public services in Africa
69 civil society organisations welcome the publication yesterday of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (African Commission) landmark General Comment detailing States’ obligations with regard to public services, such as education, healthcare and water. This is a major step forward to consolidate the human rights and legal framework, in a context where public services have emerged as one of the critical tools to address the climate, health, food, and inequality crises of the last years.
- Development Finance
Analysis: World Bank and IMF failure to address the global polycrisis makes systemic reform even more urgent
Last week’s meetings proved yet again that without fundamental reform to how both the World Bank and IMF are governed, and how they ultimately operate, the same mistakes will be repeated again and again. And that is unacceptable.
- Debt Justice
- Global Processes
Join Eurodad and partners at the WBG-IMF Annual Meetings
Join Eurodad and partners at the Civil Society Policy Forum (CSPF), that will be held in-person in Washington, DC, alongside the WBG-IMF Annual Meetings 2022
- Climate Finance
- Austerity
Joint CSO recommendations ahead of the September 2022 meeting of the DAC WP STAT: Towards increased quality and integrity of ODA in the context of PSIs and SDRs
A coalition of 33 CSOs expressed their concerns about the quality and integrity of ODA statistics ahead of the DAC Working Party on Development Finance Statistics (WP STAT) meeting on 26-28 September.
- Development Finance
Von der Leyen boasts of EU Global Gateway progress despite fundamental flaws
Our joint media reaction with Counter Balance to Von der Leyen's claims on the EU Global Gateway during the State of the Union 2022 speech.
- Development Finance
Six recommendations to ensure the new global climate finance goal is effective
We sent six recommendations to the UNFCCC so that the new post-2025 climate finance goal (NQCG) effectively helps deliver on the Paris Agreement.
- Climate Finance
Where do things stand on the global US$100 billion climate finance goal?
Developed countries provided and mobilised US$ 83.3 billion in 2020 in climate finance, an increase on previous years but still a long way from the US$ 100 billion climate finance goal set in 2009. In this article, we take a look at the most recent data to assess where things stand today.
- Climate Finance
- Global Processes
The G7 Summit in Elmau 2022. Intensified geopolitics overshadow the development agenda
The G7 summit in Elmau was the highlight of the German G7 presidency in 2022. Contrary to the original intentions of the German government, security policy and geostrategy dominated the process, due to the conflict in Eastern Europe.
- Development Finance
- Global Processes
Towards increased quality and integrity of ODA in the context of Private Sector Instruments and Special Drawing Rights.
Civil society from around the world have written an open letter raising concerns about the quality and integrity of ODA statistics.
- Development Finance
- Aid Quality
Sign-on letter in response to discriminatory incident at Eurodad / Counter Balance EDDs event
Our director, Jean Saldanha, was subject to aggressive behaviour at our joint event at the EDDs this June. We are calling on EU institutions and bodies to address this systemic issue, and to prevent such behaviour and redress it when it occurs.
- Development Finance
A look back at Eurodad Conference 2022
After two years of meeting online and three since we last met in person as a network, we came together in Brussels last week for our 2022 conference “Reboot the system: Defining joint strategies for economic justice”.
- Climate Finance
- Global Processes
Civil society groups applaud IFC’s decision to stop investing in fee-charging private schools, call on other investors to follow its lead
The decision by the IFC to not resume investments in fee-charging private schools reinforces the work done by civil society organisations highlighting the negative impact of for-profit schools.
Read the statement in English | Lee la declaración en español |Lire la declaration en français
- Development Finance
- IFIs
Q & A: The future global climate finance goal (aka NCQG) - what is it, why is it important and what does it entail?
One of the main outcomes of COP26 is the process to agree a new global climate finance target. In the following Q&A, Eurodad's climate finance expert answers some of the most frequently asked questions about the new collective quantified goal on climate finance.
- Climate Finance
- Global Processes
Eurodad's response to the World Bank consultation on the proposal for a Financial Intermediary Fund for Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response
Thirty-three organisations from the global south and the global north have signed a statement arguing that the World Bank has not learnt crucial lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic and broader health financing evidence.
- Development Finance
- IFIs
Eurodad at the 2022 UN ECOSOC Financing for Development Forum
Eurodad and partners represented Civil Society at this year's UN ECOSOC Financing for Development Forum in New York.
- Development Finance
- Global Processes
Webinar Series "Skilling-up on Climate Finance"
Join us this May at Eurodad's climate finance webinar series, where we will take a deep dive into public climate finance flows, transparency of climate finance, and the gender dimensions of climate finance.
- Climate Finance
Open Letter to G20 Finance Ministers, Central Bank Governors and the IMF: Civil Society Organizations Call for Issuance of More SDRs and Fairer Distribution
Due to the rules governing the distribution of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs), more than US$400 billion of last year's US$ 650 billion issuance went to advanced economies who didn't need them. A group of CSOs are therefore calling for a new allocation of SDRs with fairer distribution to help tackle the global crises and substantial changes to the Resilience and Sustainability Trust, the IMF new instrument to channel SDRs.
- Development Finance
- SDRs
Join Eurodad and partners at the WBG/ IMF Spring Meetings
Join Eurodad and partners at the Civil Society Policy Forum and World Bank Group - International Monetary Fund Spring Meetings this April.
- Development Finance
- IFIs
20 years after Monterrey, the UN Financing for Development process is as important as ever
This opinion piece was first published by IPS.
- Development Finance
Civil society warns World Bank: The Business Enabling Environment Project is a rebranding of the disgraced Doing Business Report and it must be abandoned
Today the World Bank closed a consultation process on their plans to replace the discontinued Doing Business Report (DBR) with the Business Environment Enabling Project (BEE). A coalition of CSOs have delivered a strongly worded submission arguing this is a rebranding exercise which does not address the root problems in the Bank's engagement in private sector advice
- Development Finance
- IFIs
The 6th EU-Africa Summit: Plenty of rhetoric, very little substance
The 6th European Union-African Union Summit was held in Brussels last month. This event - which is held every three years is designed to offer a separate platform for dialogue and setting a common political agenda, along with the existing set of policies between the members of the EU and AU.
- Development Finance
African-European CSOs issue statement to all Heads of States and government dignitaries attending the 6th EU-AU Summit
Ahead of the 6th European Union - African Union Summit, a coalition of African and European civil society organisations issued a declaration to urge governments and institutions to build a new AU-EU partnership based on equality, inclusivity, mutual accountability, shared values and prosperity.
- Development Finance
CSOs call for entire plan to count donated excess Covid-19 vaccines as aid to be scrapped following failure of OECD DAC members to agree
Last week, the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC) failed to agree on a plan to report the donation of excess Covid-19 vaccine doses as aid. Yet, donors willing to report their excess vaccine donations will still be able to do so as in-kind donations, despite the lack of agreement.
- Development Finance
- Aid Quality
Joint civil society organisations’ letter to the EIB Board of Directors on the draft Environmental and Social Sustainability Framework
Ahead of the adoption of the EIB’s Environmental and Social Sustainability Framework (ESSF), civil society call on the EIB Directors to adopt a stronger set of policies and standards guiding its future operations, especially at a time when the EIB is creating a development branch and undergoing a transformation into the “EU Climate Bank”.
- Climate Finance
CSOs call for open public consultation on the IMF’s forthcoming Gender Strategy
81 civil society organisations call on the IMF Board to support an open and meaningful public consultation process around the forthcoming Gender Strategy.
- Gender Justice
- IFIs
Joint CSO reaction on the ODA-eligibility of Covid-19 vaccine related spending
An open letter to the OECD by Eurodad and other civil society organisations on the latest proposal for valuation of donations of excess Covid-19 vaccine doses to developing countries in ODA.
- Development Finance
- Aid Quality
Joint civil society submission on the Development Policy Financing Retrospective
The World Bank Group's use of Development Policy Financing as an instrument to nudge countries towards specific policy reforms, undermines countries’ policy space and democratic ownership.
- Development Finance
- IFIs
CSOs issue joint statement following World Bank's 'inadequate' consultations on global development policies
A coalition of Civil Society Organisations issues a joint statement addressed to the World Bank Executive Directors to express concern about inadequate World Bank CSO engagement on key policy processes, such as the IDA20 replenishment and Development Policy Financing retrospective.
- Development Finance
- IFIs
Eurodad's submission to the World Bank's IDA20 consultation
Eurodad is disappointed with the content of the report “Building Back Better from the Crisis: Toward a Green, Resilient and Inclusive Future,” which on the replenishment of IDA and is due for endorsement by IDA Deputies in mid-December.
- Development Finance
- IFIs
Join Eurodad's Policy Forum 2021
Join Eurodad at the virtual Policy Forum 2021 taking place from 22 to 25 November.
- Climate Finance
Inaction and wishful thinking: G20 summit shows why we must go back to true multilateralism
G20 leaders met in Rome last weekend (30 and 31 October) to address what they termed “today’s most pressing global challenges”. In the end they took no meaningful new decisions. The photo opportunity with G20 leaders throwing a coin into the Trevi fountain was a potent symbol of what the Summit turned out to be: wishful thinking without any action.
- Climate Finance
- Covid-19
Civil society calls for a renewed approach to public services to address global crises
Civil society organisations and movements launched a landmark manifesto calling for a renewed approach to public services, such as education, energy, food, health and care services, housing, social security, telecommunications, transportation, waste collection and disposal, and water and sanitation, to address the ecological, inequalities and other crises the world is currently facing.
Read the manifesto in English | Spanish | French | Portuguese | Russian | Swahili
- Development Finance
Development banks have no business financing agribusiness
As public development banks gather at #FinanceInCommon2021, a coalition of more than 280 civil society organisations call for an immediate end to the financing of corporate agribusiness operations and speculative investments.
- Development Finance
- Global Processes
Joint Statement on World Bank’s IDA20 replenishment
Today, AFRODAD, the Bretton Woods Project and Eurodad issued a joint statement ahead of the World Bank's International Development Association (IDA) October Forum, which will address critical issues regarding ongoing discussion over IDA20 replenishment. This comes ahead of a meeting of IDA Deputies later this month.
- Development Finance
- IFIs
Eurodad's proposals for a WB IDA20 replenishment package that delivers for the most vulnerable
Eurodad calls for an ambitious IDA20 replenishment package that ensures that developing countries have access to concessional resources to address their democratically-determined recovery needs.
- Development Finance
- IFIs
CSOs call for the fair channeling of Special Drawing Rights
280 civil society organisations and academics call on the G20 to agree fair channeling of Special Drawing Rights to countries who are in greater need.
- Development Finance
- IFIs
CSOs call on world leaders to end public finance for fossil fuels in 2021
Urgent action is needed to ensure 2021 marks the end of international public finance to fossil fuels. This would free up significant support for clean energy and a just and equitable transition worldwide.
- Climate Finance
- IFIs
Join Eurodad and partners at the WBG/ IMF Annual Meetings
Join Eurodad and partners at the World Bank Group - International Monetary Fund Annual Meetings this October
- Development Finance
Open letter and joint CSO statement on the EIB Environmental and Social Sustainability Framework
Eurodad joins Counter Balance and other CSOs to call on the European Investment Bank to use the ESSF review to truly make the EIB responsible lender.
- Climate Finance
- IFIs
Eurodad submission to the EIB Environmental and Social Sustainability Framework consultation: Standard 5 Climate Change
Eurodad's response outlines recommendations on the need to reflect climate risks, climate impacts and vulnerabilities.
- Climate Finance
- Global Processes
NGOs letter on the EIB’s review process of the Environmental and Social Sustainability Framework
This joint advocacy letter urges the European Investment Bank to ensure a meaningful public consultation.
- Climate Finance
- IFIs
Special Drawing Rights: Saving the global economy and bolstering recovery in pandemic times
A summary of key issues emerging from recent high-level event on SDR recycling mechanisms, funds, and vehicles.
This is a guest blog written by Bhumika Muchhala (Senior Policy Researcher on Global Economic Governance, Third World Network), and Christopher Hope (Policy Officer, Bretton Woods Project).
- Development Finance
- IFIs
A lot happened on international climate finance at the US Climate Summit; but what does it all mean?
While the Leaders' Summit on Climate brought together climate laggards and climate-vulnerable countries, the ‘invite-only’ nature of the Summit is another reminder that the climate agenda is still largely driven by rich, developed countries.
By Leia Achampong (Eurodad) and Carola Mejia (LATINDADD)
- Climate Finance
- Global Processes
The Civil Society FfD Group's reaction to the 2021 Financing for Development Forum
This year, the ECOSOC Financing for Development Forum took place virtually from 12 and 15 April.
- Development Finance
- Global Processes
The Covid-19 pandemic and related crises call for higher levels of ODA
In this joint statement, 77 civil society organisations across the world, including Eurodad, call current ODA levels 'economically unwise and morally flawed' given the current pandemic and interconnected crises, including climate change, conflict, fragility, and rising poverty and inequalities.
- Aid Effectiveness
- Aid Quantity
Spring Meetings 2021: Yet another insufficient response to the Covid-19 crisis?
Eurodad's policy experts reflect on the 2021 IMF and WBG spring meetings, raising concerns of an insufficient response and the inability of the Bretton Woods Institutions to put global social equity at the heart of long-term plans to rebuild fairer post-pandemic.
- Climate Finance
- Global Processes
Special Drawing Rights: A three trillion dollar question (Infograph)
What are Special Drawing Rights and why are they so important to the global recovery post-Covid? Find out more in this interactive infographic.
Read our detailed analysis on SDRs | Click to expand the infograph
- Development Finance
- IFIs
The 3 trillion dollar question: What difference will the IMF’s new SDRs allocation make to the world’s poorest?
The US$650 billion allocation of SDRs proposed by the IMF will not support the post-Covid economic recovery of the poorest countries. In the following article, we set out the argument for a much larger allocation, one worth US$3 trillion.
- Debt Justice
- Covid-19
Joint CSO statement on UN Human Rights Council resolution affirming the importance of investing in public services
Eight international civil society organisations welcome a resolution of the United Nations Human Rights Council adopted by consensus on 23 March 2021 affirming the crucial importance of investment in public services for the realisation of economic, social and cultural rights.
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
Open Letter to the World Bank Group to strengthen public health financing and refrain from promoting public-private partnerships in health care
Urgent call to the World Bank Group to strengthen public health financing and refrain from promoting public-private partnerships in health care
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
- IFIs
Letter to the World Bank Executive Directors about ceasing publication of the Doing Business Report
More than 300 civil society organisations and academics from across the world call upon the World Bank Executive Directors to end the publication of the World Bank’s Doing Business report.
- Aid Effectiveness
- IFIs
Outlook 2021: effective multilateralism under the UN will be crucial
2021 brings the hope that the Covid-19 pandemic can be controlled, but existing inequalities are exacerbating access to the vaccine and with it, return to normal life. Here we set out what we expect to be the biggest issues we face as a network in the coming year.
- Climate Finance
- Covid-19
In memory of Soren Ambrose
Eurodad pays tribute to the pioneering activism of Soren Ambrose, who dedicated his life to the cause of justice.
- Gender Justice
Join the Eurodad team
A new and exciting opportunity to co-lead Eurodad's policy and advocacy team working on development finance.
- Development Finance
Joint global response to the outcome of the Finance in Common Summit
Following the conclusion of the first Finance in Common Summit, APMDD, AFRODAD, Latindadd, Third World Network and Eurodad have issued the following response.
- Development Finance
- FiC
FiC Joint CSO Statement - Public Development Banks must deliver on the world we want
From 10-12 November, the first summit of Public Development Banks, the Finance in Common Summit, will be held.
- Climate Finance
- FiC
2020 IMF and World Bank Annual Meetings: Disappointing response to Coronavirus crisis
Last week was a crucial week for the citizens of developing countries, who are being hit hard by the Coronavirus crisis. They are facing increasing poverty, growing inequality and uncertain futures – and were looking to the world's leaders for decisive action. Yet despite a week of stirring rhetoric from G20, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank (WB) leaders, who claim they are determined to tackle the crisis, the results are deeply disappointing. What is clear is that world leaders and the Bretton Woods institutions need to take much more ambitious steps to deliver in the public interest.
- Development Finance
- Global Processes
Joint civil society submission to the November 2020 OECD Development Assistance Committee High Level Meeting
The upcoming Development Assistance Committee (DAC) High Level Meeting (HLM) provides an opportunity for DAC Members to commit to doing development better. This joint civil society submission represents the views of a group of 26 civil society organisations (CSOs) from the global south and the global north.
- Aid Effectiveness
- Covid-19
Joint civil society submission to the July 2020 OECD Development Assistance Committee meeting addressing Debt Relief reporting measures
This submission represents the views of a group of 25 civil society organisations (CSOs) from the global south and the global north.
- Aid Effectiveness
- Aid Quality
Joint CSO Letter on the EIB Climate Bank Roadmap
The dual crises of Covid-19 and climate change represent an opportunity for the European Investment Bank (EIB) to become the world's first Climate Bank. 2020 also marks the year in which the EIB will develop a Climate Bank Roadmap.
- Climate Finance
- Covid-19
Letter to the European Council on EU Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 and Next Generation EU 2021-2024
The Next Generation EU fund offers a step in the right direction, however it must work to strengthen climate and environmental action, development co-operation, human development, gender equality, human rights and democracy, humanitarian assistance and peacebuilding.
- Climate Finance
Joint civil society submission to the March 2020 OECD Development Assistance Committee Meeting on Private Finance-related issues
This submission represents the views of a group of 29 civil society organisations (CSOs) from the global south and the global north.
- Aid Effectiveness
IMF-World Bank Spring Meetings 2020: a world in crisis looks for leadership
The International Monetary Fund (IMF)-World Bank virtual Spring Meetings took place as global economic turmoil deepened
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
Eurodad Submission to the UNCTAD Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Financing for Development
On 4-6 November 2019, the UNCTAD Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Financing for Development met in Geneva to continue discussions on the issues, concerns and challenges raised in the Addis Ababa Action Agenda.
- Aid Effectiveness
Declaration of civil society organisations at the World Bank and IMF Annual Meetings in light of the impacts of austerity policies in Ecuador, Argentina and Haiti
Thirty-five civil society organisations have today signed a declaration rejecting the IMF austerity policies implemented in Ecuador, Argentina and Haiti.
- Development Finance
CSO FfD Group (including Women’s Working Group on FfD) Declaration High Level Dialogue on Financing for Development (FfD)
- Climate Finance
Joint civil society submission to the February 2019 Senior Level Meeting of the OECD Development Assistance Committee
This submission represents the views of a group of 27 civil society organisations (CSOs) from the global south and the global north.
- Aid Effectiveness
The problem with Public-Private Partnerships and the role of the EU
Public-Private Partnerships are a deeply worrying trend and carry far more risk for the state than for the private companies involved, writes Enrique Guerrero Salom.
This article was originally published in the Parliament Magazine.
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
Open letter to the EU on the use of ODA to support private investments in developing countries
CSOs’ recommendations for the use of Official Development Assistance (ODA) to support private investments in developing countries, ahead of future EU Multiannual Financial Framework discussions.
- Aid Effectiveness
2018 IMF and World Bank Spring Meetings: the Bank has more money, but promises little change
The Spring Meetings of the IMF and World Bank took place amid warnings of a ‘borrowed boom’ as an uptick in global growth was matched by global debt levels reaching record highs.
- Development Finance
IMF and World Bank Spring Meetings: drifting off course as multilateralism faces headwinds.
The 2017 spring meetings of the IMF and World Bank, which also included the second edition of the Global Infrastructure Forum, took place against the uncertainty generated by geopolitical changes such as the election of President Trump in the US and the formalisation of the UK’s exit from the European Union.
- Development Finance
- Global Processes
Key publications in 2024
A selection of key publications published by Eurodad and other CSOs in 2024.
- Development Finance
EU Member States - vote yes to the Terms of Reference for a UN Tax Convention!
- Tax Justice
Global week of action for climate finance and a fossil-free future: webinars and resources
Last week, civil society organisations mobilised online and offline during the Global Week of Action for Climate Finance and a Fossil-Free Future, calling on global north governments to meet their climate finance obligations in full.
- Climate Finance
UN Tax Convention – joint submission by over 200 organisations and trade unions in response to the first draft negotiating text
The submission has now been published on the UN website along with all the inputs received from governments and other actors. In response, the Bureau of the UN tax negotiations is expected to produce an updated draft which will be published later this month. This text will form the basis for the second face to face negotiating round, which will begin at the UN Headquarters in New York on 29 July.
- Tax Justice
More than 170 CSOs and trade unions issue joint submission regarding a UN Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation
Civil society and trade unions have produced a joint submission in response to a call for inputs to the work of the Ad Hoc Committee to Draft Terms of Reference for a United Nations Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation.
- Tax Justice
The Global Alliance for Tax Justice is looking for a Senior Finance and Admin Officer
The Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ) is looking for a Senior Finance and Admin Officer. Deadline for applications is 20 March 23:59 CET.
- Tax Justice
More than 200 organisations and trade unions call for the adoption of the Africa Group resolution on a UN Tax Convention
On 11 October 2023, the Africa Group at the United Nations tabled a proposal calling for a comprehensive UN tax convention. Now, over 200 organisations and trade unions have sent a letter to governments calling for the adoption of the Africa Group’s resolution, and stressing that this issue should be treated as a matter of highest priority and urgency.
- Tax Justice
A UN Convention on Tax – momentum just keeps growing
Eurodad's Tax Justice Coordinator Tove Maria Ryding analyses what this week in New York has meant for a UN Convention on Tax and what is in store in the coming months.
- Tax Justice
UN Financing for Development Forum 2023: The road towards global economic solutions
Positive outcomes include the welcoming of intergovernmental discussions on tax in the outcome document.
- Development Finance
Growing support for a UN Convention on Tax
On 31 March 2023, the UN held its annual ECOSOC Special Meeting on Tax following the historic approval of a new UN General Assembly resolution in 2022. Here is what happened.
- Tax Justice
Submission to the UN Secretary General's Tax Report 2023
Together with the Civil Society Financing for Development Mechanism and a coalition of over 90 civil society organisations and trade unions, Eurodad has made a submission to the UN Secretary-General's Tax Report 2023.
- Tax Justice
- Global Processes
Eurodad supports Global Days of Action on Tax Justice for Women's Rights
On International Women's Day, Eurodad staff, along with members of the Board, came together for a photo action in support of the Global Days of Action on Tax Justice for Women's Rights.
- Gender Justice
2023: A more just world is still possible
Eurodad Director Jean Saldanha looks forward to the challenges and solutions in 2023.
- Climate Finance
More than 100 CSOs call for swift action on UN tax resolution
More than 100 civil society organisations call for a speedy implementation of the UN tax resolution.
- Tax Justice
A look back at Eurodad Conference 2022
After two years of meeting online and three since we last met in person as a network, we came together in Brussels last week for our 2022 conference “Reboot the system: Defining joint strategies for economic justice”.
- Climate Finance
- Global Processes
Eurodad at the 2022 UN ECOSOC Financing for Development Forum
Eurodad and partners represented Civil Society at this year's UN ECOSOC Financing for Development Forum in New York.
- Development Finance
- Global Processes
Who is really at the table when global tax rules get decided?
Currently, a third of the world's countries are not at the table when global tax rules get decided. Watch this short animation to see why it's time for the United Nations to take the lead, so all countries can participate on an equal footing.
- Tax Justice
- Stop Tax Dodging
New leak shows Swiss banking secrecy and illicit financial flows is still a serious problem
The Suisse Secrets leak confirms civil society's long held concerns that trusts can be used to circumvent transparency rules and hide money. The era of bank secrecy is far from over.
- Tax Justice
- Stop Tax Dodging
Join Eurodad's Policy Forum 2021
Join Eurodad at the virtual Policy Forum 2021 taking place from 22 to 25 November.
- Climate Finance
Inaction and wishful thinking: G20 summit shows why we must go back to true multilateralism
G20 leaders met in Rome last weekend (30 and 31 October) to address what they termed “today’s most pressing global challenges”. In the end they took no meaningful new decisions. The photo opportunity with G20 leaders throwing a coin into the Trevi fountain was a potent symbol of what the Summit turned out to be: wishful thinking without any action.
- Climate Finance
- Covid-19
Eurodad media comment – Inclusive Framework statement on new global tax rules
Following last month’s tax agreement by the G7, the OECD-led Inclusive Framework has published a statement on the proposals for new global tax rules.
- Tax Justice
Eurodad comment on the “LuxLetters scandal”
Today, a new international tax scandal known as LuxLetters was revealed by Le Monde, Die Süddeutsche Zeitung, El Mundo, Woxx and Investigative Reporting Project, in cooperation with Tax Justice Network and The Signals Network.
- Tax Justice
The Civil Society FfD Group's reaction to the 2021 Financing for Development Forum
This year, the ECOSOC Financing for Development Forum took place virtually from 12 and 15 April.
- Development Finance
- Global Processes
Open letter to MEPs defending real public country by country reporting in trialogue negotiations.
Eighty civil society organisations, trade unions and networks from across Europe and all other regions urge MEPs to stand firm in defence of public country-by-country reporting.
- Tax Justice
- Stop Tax Dodging
Spring Meetings 2021: Yet another insufficient response to the Covid-19 crisis?
Eurodad's policy experts reflect on the 2021 IMF and WBG spring meetings, raising concerns of an insufficient response and the inability of the Bretton Woods Institutions to put global social equity at the heart of long-term plans to rebuild fairer post-pandemic.
- Climate Finance
- Global Processes
Outlook 2021: effective multilateralism under the UN will be crucial
2021 brings the hope that the Covid-19 pandemic can be controlled, but existing inequalities are exacerbating access to the vaccine and with it, return to normal life. Here we set out what we expect to be the biggest issues we face as a network in the coming year.
- Climate Finance
- Covid-19
CSO submission to the public consultation on the reports on the Pillar One and Pillar Two Blueprints
The following submission was made to the OECD Centre for Tax Policy and Administration as part of the public consultation on the reports on the Pillar One and Pillar Two Blueprints
- Tax Justice
In memory of Soren Ambrose
Eurodad pays tribute to the pioneering activism of Soren Ambrose, who dedicated his life to the cause of justice.
- Gender Justice
Global economic solutions now!
Eurodad joins more than 350 civil society organisations from across the world in signing an open letter to Heads of State Meeting at the United Nations for the 75th UNGA.
- Tax Justice
- Global Processes
Eurodad reaction to #FinCEN Files
On Sunday 20 September 2020, an international network of over 400 journalists coordinated by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists released the FinCEN Files – exposing the global movement of illicit financial flows through the international banking system.
- Tax Justice
- Stop Tax Dodging
Eurodad supports Global Days of Action on Tax Justice for Women's Rights
On International Women's Day, Eurodad staff, along with members of the Board, came together for a photo action in support of the Global Days of Action on Tax Justice for Women's Rights.
- Gender Justice
Demystifying Bretton Woods institutions’ rhetoric on public services
Drawing on the specific case of IMF and World Bank’s response to the multiple crisis triggered by the pandemic, a journal article shows that there is a discourse-practice disjuncture in the Bretton Woods institutions approach to public services as they continue to favour austerity and market-oriented solutions for the delivery of public services. The article therefore seeks to demystify the institutions rhetoric and demand the adoption of a different way of understanding public services, and social policy more broadly.
- Gender Justice
- IFIs
Joint letter calling for an end to discrimination in the EU
Almost 100 civil society organisations have written to EU leaders regarding the unacceptable and disrespectful behaviour of a member of the European Parliament at an Agora event at the European Development Days (EDDs) hosted by Eurodad and Counter Balance. In fact, the reaction of Mr. Bütikofer MEP to the concluding remarks of the host, Ms Jean Saldanha, the Director of Eurodad was very disrespectful. This unacceptable behaviour is aggravated by the fact that Ms Saldanha is a woman of colour. While this letter is based on this one instance of misconduct, it reflects a systemic pattern of behaviour that is not isolated to one individual or EU institution and that should be addressed by the European Commission in light of its commitment to achieve a ‘Union of equality’.
- Gender Justice
CSOs call for open public consultation on the IMF’s forthcoming Gender Strategy
81 civil society organisations call on the IMF Board to support an open and meaningful public consultation process around the forthcoming Gender Strategy.
- Gender Justice
- IFIs
Join Eurodad's Policy Forum 2021
Join Eurodad at the virtual Policy Forum 2021 taking place from 22 to 25 November.
- Climate Finance
In memory of Soren Ambrose
Eurodad pays tribute to the pioneering activism of Soren Ambrose, who dedicated his life to the cause of justice.
- Gender Justice
CSO FfD Group (including Women’s Working Group on FfD) Declaration High Level Dialogue on Financing for Development (FfD)
- Climate Finance
Global week of action for climate finance and a fossil-free future: webinars and resources
Last week, civil society organisations mobilised online and offline during the Global Week of Action for Climate Finance and a Fossil-Free Future, calling on global north governments to meet their climate finance obligations in full.
- Climate Finance
Joint submission from the Debt and Climate Working Group for the 11th Technical Expert Dialogue of the New Collective Quantified Goal process
The 11th Technical Expert Dialogue of the New Collective Quantified Goal (NCQG) is an important opportunity to agree on the qualitative elements of the post-2025 climate goal, including improving the quality of international climate finance flows to benefit of low and middle-income countries that already face disproportionate impacts of the climate and debt crisis.
- Climate Finance
Gender-responsive climate finance: The key to just climate action and tackling inequalities
This expert paper, written by Eurodad's Senior Policy and Advocacy Officer for Climate Finance, Leia Achampong, looks at the gendered impacts of national and personal debt, and how this exacerbates inequalities, poverty and human rights.
The paper was presented at the UN Women CSW68 Expert Group Meeting.
- Climate Finance
Bonn 2023: Divisions over finance stall mid-year climate meetings
Eurodad's Leia Achampong, Senior Policy and Advocacy Officer working on climate finance, analyses the Bonn Climate Change Conference.
- Climate Finance
- Global Processes
Join Eurodad and partners at the CSPF and WBG/ IMF Spring Meetings 2023
Join Eurodad and partners at the Civil Society Policy Forum and World Bank Group - International Monetary Fund Spring Meetings from April 10 to 14.
- Climate Finance
- IFIs
2023: A more just world is still possible
Eurodad Director Jean Saldanha looks forward to the challenges and solutions in 2023.
- Climate Finance
Join Eurodad and partners at the WBG-IMF Annual Meetings
Join Eurodad and partners at the Civil Society Policy Forum (CSPF), that will be held in-person in Washington, DC, alongside the WBG-IMF Annual Meetings 2022
- Climate Finance
- Austerity
Six recommendations to ensure the new global climate finance goal is effective
We sent six recommendations to the UNFCCC so that the new post-2025 climate finance goal (NQCG) effectively helps deliver on the Paris Agreement.
- Climate Finance
Where do things stand on the global US$100 billion climate finance goal?
Developed countries provided and mobilised US$ 83.3 billion in 2020 in climate finance, an increase on previous years but still a long way from the US$ 100 billion climate finance goal set in 2009. In this article, we take a look at the most recent data to assess where things stand today.
- Climate Finance
- Global Processes
A look back at Eurodad Conference 2022
After two years of meeting online and three since we last met in person as a network, we came together in Brussels last week for our 2022 conference “Reboot the system: Defining joint strategies for economic justice”.
- Climate Finance
- Global Processes
Q & A: The future global climate finance goal (aka NCQG) - what is it, why is it important and what does it entail?
One of the main outcomes of COP26 is the process to agree a new global climate finance target. In the following Q&A, Eurodad's climate finance expert answers some of the most frequently asked questions about the new collective quantified goal on climate finance.
- Climate Finance
- Global Processes
Webinar Series "Skilling-up on Climate Finance"
Join us this May at Eurodad's climate finance webinar series, where we will take a deep dive into public climate finance flows, transparency of climate finance, and the gender dimensions of climate finance.
- Climate Finance
Joint civil society organisations’ letter to the EIB Board of Directors on the draft Environmental and Social Sustainability Framework
Ahead of the adoption of the EIB’s Environmental and Social Sustainability Framework (ESSF), civil society call on the EIB Directors to adopt a stronger set of policies and standards guiding its future operations, especially at a time when the EIB is creating a development branch and undergoing a transformation into the “EU Climate Bank”.
- Climate Finance
Join Eurodad's Policy Forum 2021
Join Eurodad at the virtual Policy Forum 2021 taking place from 22 to 25 November.
- Climate Finance
Inaction and wishful thinking: G20 summit shows why we must go back to true multilateralism
G20 leaders met in Rome last weekend (30 and 31 October) to address what they termed “today’s most pressing global challenges”. In the end they took no meaningful new decisions. The photo opportunity with G20 leaders throwing a coin into the Trevi fountain was a potent symbol of what the Summit turned out to be: wishful thinking without any action.
- Climate Finance
- Covid-19
CSOs call on world leaders to end public finance for fossil fuels in 2021
Urgent action is needed to ensure 2021 marks the end of international public finance to fossil fuels. This would free up significant support for clean energy and a just and equitable transition worldwide.
- Climate Finance
- IFIs
Open letter and joint CSO statement on the EIB Environmental and Social Sustainability Framework
Eurodad joins Counter Balance and other CSOs to call on the European Investment Bank to use the ESSF review to truly make the EIB responsible lender.
- Climate Finance
- IFIs
Eurodad submission to the EIB Environmental and Social Sustainability Framework consultation: Standard 5 Climate Change
Eurodad's response outlines recommendations on the need to reflect climate risks, climate impacts and vulnerabilities.
- Climate Finance
- Global Processes
NGOs letter on the EIB’s review process of the Environmental and Social Sustainability Framework
This joint advocacy letter urges the European Investment Bank to ensure a meaningful public consultation.
- Climate Finance
- IFIs
A lot happened on international climate finance at the US Climate Summit; but what does it all mean?
While the Leaders' Summit on Climate brought together climate laggards and climate-vulnerable countries, the ‘invite-only’ nature of the Summit is another reminder that the climate agenda is still largely driven by rich, developed countries.
By Leia Achampong (Eurodad) and Carola Mejia (LATINDADD)
- Climate Finance
- Global Processes
Spring Meetings 2021: Yet another insufficient response to the Covid-19 crisis?
Eurodad's policy experts reflect on the 2021 IMF and WBG spring meetings, raising concerns of an insufficient response and the inability of the Bretton Woods Institutions to put global social equity at the heart of long-term plans to rebuild fairer post-pandemic.
- Climate Finance
- Global Processes
Open letter to World Bank Group President David Malpass and WBG leadership calling for whole-of-institution WBG commitment to end its fossil fuels support
More than 150 organisations and individuals have signed an open letter to the World Bank Group president and leadership, calling on the World Bank to commit to ending all support for fossil fuels.
- Climate Finance
Making the "EU Climate Bank" a reality
Next week, the European Investment Bank (EIB) will organise its annual EIB-CSO seminar. Ahead of the event, Eurodad, together with 47 CSO organisations sent the following open letter, calling on the EIB to take necessary steps to truly become the EU Climate Bank.
- Climate Finance
Outlook 2021: effective multilateralism under the UN will be crucial
2021 brings the hope that the Covid-19 pandemic can be controlled, but existing inequalities are exacerbating access to the vaccine and with it, return to normal life. Here we set out what we expect to be the biggest issues we face as a network in the coming year.
- Climate Finance
- Covid-19
In memory of Soren Ambrose
Eurodad pays tribute to the pioneering activism of Soren Ambrose, who dedicated his life to the cause of justice.
- Gender Justice
FiC Joint CSO Statement - Public Development Banks must deliver on the world we want
From 10-12 November, the first summit of Public Development Banks, the Finance in Common Summit, will be held.
- Climate Finance
- FiC
Making the European ‘Climate’ Investment Bank work for developing countries
In response to the public consultation on the European Investment Bank Climate Bank Roadmap, this paper outlines what the Roadmap should do to fulfil the commitment to international climate finance.
- Climate Finance
- Global Processes
Joint CSO Letter on the EIB Climate Bank Roadmap
The dual crises of Covid-19 and climate change represent an opportunity for the European Investment Bank (EIB) to become the world's first Climate Bank. 2020 also marks the year in which the EIB will develop a Climate Bank Roadmap.
- Climate Finance
- Covid-19
Letter to the European Council on EU Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 and Next Generation EU 2021-2024
The Next Generation EU fund offers a step in the right direction, however it must work to strengthen climate and environmental action, development co-operation, human development, gender equality, human rights and democracy, humanitarian assistance and peacebuilding.
- Climate Finance
NGO Statement: European Green Deal must strengthen partner countries’ recovery from the Covid-19 crisis
Today, Eurodad, along with 15 other civil society organisations, released a joint statement calling for the European Union to pursue a green recovery that supports all people, communities and the planet.
- Climate Finance
CSO FfD Group (including Women’s Working Group on FfD) Declaration High Level Dialogue on Financing for Development (FfD)
- Climate Finance
The Covid-19 pandemic and related crises call for higher levels of ODA
In this joint statement, 77 civil society organisations across the world, including Eurodad, call current ODA levels 'economically unwise and morally flawed' given the current pandemic and interconnected crises, including climate change, conflict, fragility, and rising poverty and inequalities.
- Aid Effectiveness
- Aid Quantity
Letter to the World Bank Executive Directors about ceasing publication of the Doing Business Report
More than 300 civil society organisations and academics from across the world call upon the World Bank Executive Directors to end the publication of the World Bank’s Doing Business report.
- Aid Effectiveness
- IFIs
Joint civil society submission to the November 2020 OECD Development Assistance Committee High Level Meeting
The upcoming Development Assistance Committee (DAC) High Level Meeting (HLM) provides an opportunity for DAC Members to commit to doing development better. This joint civil society submission represents the views of a group of 26 civil society organisations (CSOs) from the global south and the global north.
- Aid Effectiveness
- Covid-19
Joint civil society submission to the July 2020 OECD Development Assistance Committee meeting addressing Debt Relief reporting measures
This submission represents the views of a group of 25 civil society organisations (CSOs) from the global south and the global north.
- Aid Effectiveness
- Aid Quality
Joint civil society submission to the March 2020 OECD Development Assistance Committee Meeting on Private Finance-related issues
This submission represents the views of a group of 29 civil society organisations (CSOs) from the global south and the global north.
- Aid Effectiveness
Eurodad Submission to the UNCTAD Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Financing for Development
On 4-6 November 2019, the UNCTAD Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Financing for Development met in Geneva to continue discussions on the issues, concerns and challenges raised in the Addis Ababa Action Agenda.
- Aid Effectiveness
UN Independent Expert links International Financial Institutions’ austerity push to Human Rights impacts
This week, the UN Independent Expert on Foreign Debt and Human Rights, Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky, released a report on the role of International Financial Institutions (IFIs) in imposing economic reforms that violate human rights. In particular, the report highlights how widespread promotion of austerity measures has had an adverse effect on human rights impacts in a number of countries. The document is due to be presented to the UN General Assembly in October,
- Aid Effectiveness
- Global Processes
Joint civil society submission to the February 2019 Senior Level Meeting of the OECD Development Assistance Committee
This submission represents the views of a group of 27 civil society organisations (CSOs) from the global south and the global north.
- Aid Effectiveness
Open letter to the EU on the use of ODA to support private investments in developing countries
CSOs’ recommendations for the use of Official Development Assistance (ODA) to support private investments in developing countries, ahead of future EU Multiannual Financial Framework discussions.
- Aid Effectiveness
Our Future is Public: Santiago Declaration for Public Services
The Declaration is a momentous agreement signed by more than 200 organisations, including Eurodad, who vow to work to transform our systems to ones which value human rights and ecological sustainability over GDP growth and narrowly defined economic gains.
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
- Global Processes
Spring Meetings 2021: Yet another insufficient response to the Covid-19 crisis?
Eurodad's policy experts reflect on the 2021 IMF and WBG spring meetings, raising concerns of an insufficient response and the inability of the Bretton Woods Institutions to put global social equity at the heart of long-term plans to rebuild fairer post-pandemic.
- Climate Finance
- Global Processes
Joint CSO statement on UN Human Rights Council resolution affirming the importance of investing in public services
Eight international civil society organisations welcome a resolution of the United Nations Human Rights Council adopted by consensus on 23 March 2021 affirming the crucial importance of investment in public services for the realisation of economic, social and cultural rights.
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
Open Letter to the World Bank Group to strengthen public health financing and refrain from promoting public-private partnerships in health care
Urgent call to the World Bank Group to strengthen public health financing and refrain from promoting public-private partnerships in health care
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
- IFIs
What are the core features of a model Public Development Bank?
Public Development Banks are in a unique and powerful position to play a key role in the post Covid-19 recovery. Explore the core features such organisations should embody.
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
- FiC
IMF-World Bank Spring Meetings 2020: a world in crisis looks for leadership
The International Monetary Fund (IMF)-World Bank virtual Spring Meetings took place as global economic turmoil deepened
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
The Spring meetings 2020: A make or break moment
The world is facing an unprecedented humanitarian crisis triggered by the outbreak of COVID-19. As the Bretton Woods Institutions (BWIs) deliver their virtual Spring Meetings, there are strong calls for an ambitious response.
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
América Latina y la epidemia de Covid-19: una crónica de múltiples crisis (II)
Este es el segundo de una serie de artículos sobre el brote de coronavirus y su impacto en América Latina. En el primer artículo exploramos los factores subyacentes de la emergencia sanitaria, incluyendo las políticas de austeridad y una mayor participación del sector privado a través de las asociaciones público-privadas (APP) en los servicios de salud.
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
- Debt Sustainability
América Latina y la epidemia de Covid-19: una crónica de múltiples crisis (I)
Este es el primero de dos artículos que analizan cómo está afectando a los países de América Latina la epidemia de coronavirus. En este artículo, exploramos la naturaleza de los sistemas de salud de la región, incluida su dimensión de género, las recientes políticas de austeridad implementadas en varios países y los desafíos planteados por la mayor participación del sector privado en la atención sanitaria a través de, por ejemplo, las asociaciones público-privadas (APP).
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
- Debt Sustainability
Latin America and the outbreak of Covid-19: a chronicle of multiple crises (II)
This is the second in a series of articles on the outbreak of Covid-19 and the impact on Latin America. In the first article we explored the underlying factors of the health emergency, including the austerity policies and increased role of the private sector, through health public-private partnerships (PPPs).
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
- Debt Sustainability
Latin America and the outbreak of Covid-19: a chronicle of multiple crises (I)
In this article, we analyse how the Covid-19 outbreak is affecting Latin American countries and their ability to respond to the health emergency in an effective and equitable way.
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
- Debt Sustainability
Open letter to European World Bank Executive Directors on WBG promotion of public-private partnerships
Eurodad, along with 34 other CSO organisations, have today sent an open letter to the European World Bank Executive Directors (EDs) regarding the WBG's promotion of public-private partnerships (PPPs).
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
EU development finance can play a stronger and better role, say CSOs
Over the last few decades, the European financial architecture for development has changed significantly. Development finance is currently a central piece in the EU's development policy toolbox but with scarce resources available, a serious assessment is needed.
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
French Court of Auditors’ annual report reiterates failure of public-private partnerships
In its recent annual report, the French Court of Auditors pinpoints cases of failed public-private partnerships (PPPs) once again.
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
The problem with Public-Private Partnerships and the role of the EU
Public-Private Partnerships are a deeply worrying trend and carry far more risk for the state than for the private companies involved, writes Enrique Guerrero Salom.
This article was originally published in the Parliament Magazine.
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
Civil Society Organisations’ open letter to World Bank on PPPs
Last October, more than 150 organisations signed a PPP Global Campaign Manifesto, expressing our alarm at the increasing use of PPPs to deliver infrastructure projects and public services around the world, and in particular the World Bank’s role in promoting these contracts. Our combined evidence shows that the experience of PPPs has been negative, and few PPPs have delivered results in the public interest. Our concerns are echoed by many more organisations and individuals across the world, who are alarmed by the risk that this represents for developing countries.
- Publicly-backed Private Finance
- Global Processes
Join Eurodad's Policy Forum 2021
Join Eurodad at the virtual Policy Forum 2021 taking place from 22 to 25 November.
- Climate Finance
Inaction and wishful thinking: G20 summit shows why we must go back to true multilateralism
G20 leaders met in Rome last weekend (30 and 31 October) to address what they termed “today’s most pressing global challenges”. In the end they took no meaningful new decisions. The photo opportunity with G20 leaders throwing a coin into the Trevi fountain was a potent symbol of what the Summit turned out to be: wishful thinking without any action.
- Climate Finance
- Covid-19
Making sense of Belize's Blue Bond Proposal
Lauded by its proponents as a “ground-breaking” and “innovative approach,” the proposal raises concerns upon closer review and is likely to turn into a costly missed opportunity for everyone involved.
- Debt Justice
- Debt Resolution
Civil society calls for a renewed approach to public services to address global crises
Civil society organisations and movements launched a landmark manifesto calling for a renewed approach to public services, such as education, energy, food, health and care services, housing, social security, telecommunications, transportation, waste collection and disposal, and water and sanitation, to address the ecological, inequalities and other crises the world is currently facing.
Read the manifesto in English | Spanish | French | Portuguese | Russian | Swahili
- Development Finance
Development banks have no business financing agribusiness
As public development banks gather at #FinanceInCommon2021, a coalition of more than 280 civil society organisations call for an immediate end to the financing of corporate agribusiness operations and speculative investments.
- Development Finance
- Global Processes
Joint Statement on World Bank’s IDA20 replenishment
Today, AFRODAD, the Bretton Woods Project and Eurodad issued a joint statement ahead of the World Bank's International Development Association (IDA) October Forum, which will address critical issues regarding ongoing discussion over IDA20 replenishment. This comes ahead of a meeting of IDA Deputies later this month.
- Development Finance
- IFIs
Eurodad's proposals for a WB IDA20 replenishment package that delivers for the most vulnerable
Eurodad calls for an ambitious IDA20 replenishment package that ensures that developing countries have access to concessional resources to address their democratically-determined recovery needs.
- Development Finance
- IFIs
CSOs call for the fair channeling of Special Drawing Rights
280 civil society organisations and academics call on the G20 to agree fair channeling of Special Drawing Rights to countries who are in greater need.
- Development Finance
- IFIs
CSOs call on world leaders to end public finance for fossil fuels in 2021
Urgent action is needed to ensure 2021 marks the end of international public finance to fossil fuels. This would free up significant support for clean energy and a just and equitable transition worldwide.
- Climate Finance
- IFIs
Join Eurodad and partners at the WBG/ IMF Annual Meetings
Join Eurodad and partners at the World Bank Group - International Monetary Fund Annual Meetings this October
- Development Finance
A debt pandemic: Impact of the crisis in developing countries
This series of infograms and charts highlight the increasing impact of debt and the Covid-19 pandemic in the global south.
- Debt Justice
- Subtopic
Open letter and joint CSO statement on the EIB Environmental and Social Sustainability Framework
Eurodad joins Counter Balance and other CSOs to call on the European Investment Bank to use the ESSF review to truly make the EIB responsible lender.
- Climate Finance
- IFIs